The Absolutely Fabulous Four

"The Fab Four" The Angel Babe Society started with us. Two Mobsta Babes, Two Angels, ALL Opinionated. Then we realized we were capable of having heated debate and still get along and possibly even agree occasionally. Thus we formed an illustrious group dedicated to stating our beliefs but still having a grand ol' time. This is us!


My name is Amelia and I am a 17 year old high school senior at SDSCPA in San Diego California. My school is an art school but it is nothing like Fame! I am determined to go to Cornish College for the Arts in Seattle and study photography, my dream. I adore music particurarly Pearl Jam and ska, old movies (Alfred Hitchcock!), reading, dying my hair when my roots start to show, drawing, eating Chow Mein, and ofcourse watching General Hospital. I am a MASSIVE Sonny and Brenda lover and an active S&Believer. Through GH I became hooked on the internet and have developed quite the extensive cyber fam! I am quite proud to be a member of the ABS with my fellow wacked out sisters Brynika, Aika, and Verity. Oh yes before I jet I've got one thing to say: SONNY AND BRENDA FOR ALL ETERNITY!
Visit Amelia's Webpage!


Hi! I'm Brynna (or Bryn-Nicole, Brynners, Brynnie, Brynika or numerious others). I live in Eureka Ca for now. I hate it here, and I'm moving to LA to persue my acting/screenwriting. I grew up in Seattle, which I miss, but won't go back to. I'm not currently in school, taking some time off before starting at (I hope!) UCLA in the fall. I'm an entertainment nut, I love movies (and analyze them to death!), music, books, and of course my soaps. GH is my fave. I've watched it for 13 yrs, and my fave people on it are Robin, Stone (I miss him so much!!), Jax, Brenda, Nikolas, Stefan & Lesely Lu. I'm also really into sports, my faves being Figure Skating and anything to do with horses. I have a huge cyber-family, and tons of web the internet! :-) And I'm so happy to have the coolest cyber-sisters in my ABS sis', Aika, Am & Verity (there are other totaly cool ones too, you know who you are!) And the most important thing to end on, JAX AND BRENDA ALWAYS AND FOREVER!!!! *v, vbg*
Visit Brynna's personal page!
the links to all Brynna's pages


My name is Verity, I am an 18 year old freshman at NCSU in Raleigh NC. I am a zoology major, with hopes of getting my Ph.D in research. I enjoy classic movies, animals, music of all genres and reading. I also love GH (obviously). I have been a virtual resident of PC since I was about nine or ten. My absolute fave couples of all time include Sonny and Brenda, Lucy and Kevin, Ned and Lois, Anna and Robert, Luke and Laura, and Sean and Tiffany. I have recently become a computer addict, and have several pages to my credit. Besides the ABS page, I co-share HCU(Hot Couples United of GH), run a Kevin and Lucy page, and have a personal homepage, which has tons of info on me! I love having *e* pals and online buds. Through the internet I have made terrific friends, and I am so happy to have ABS cybersisters like Am, Bryn and Aika! Oh yes, and no VerityGrrl bio would complete without the ending words, Sonny and Brenda forever! :)
Visit Verity's Webpage!


Hi there! My name is Aiko (but you can call me by any variation on my name...most people do! *G* For example, there's Aika, AIKIE, Aikers, and the one that got it all started...Aik). I am 20 years old...Wanna hear something really trippy? I am already 6 months into the third decade of my life! Boy do I feel old! Okay, so you wanna know more about me, huh, other than my age? Yeah well, even if you don't I am fixing to tell you! *G* Heck, if I am willing to sit here and write it, the least you can do is be gracious enough to read it! *VBG*
Welcome to my wacky world...Let's see...I am majoring in Psychology...(yep, you guessed it, I am a relative nut case)...I am in my third year of more year and I am outta here! YIPEE! Oh wait, once I'm outtta here, there's MORE school...ick! Okay, so what am I into, what do I like? Well, I love my soaps and my sisters and the ever-present internet. One question for you all to ponder? What did we all do before we found the www? I don't know...but the running joke in my family...cyber and that if you want to find me...just head over to the IR Message Board, and there I will be! *G* Okay, so...I am starting to ramble. Believe it or not, I am really good at rambling on about mindless stuff...if there was a major in it, there I would be! *G* Let's see...why do I love the internet? Let me count the ways: Ingo, GH, my cyber family, the Message Boards, Chat rooms...and USA Today Sports...gotta keep up on Da Bulls...okay, so that is a really wacked look at my a nutshell, or should I say wasn't that bad, WAS it? Oh yeah, one more thing...JAX AND BRENDA...ALWAYS! *G*