Welcome to the Babe's Corner!
This little place is for those S&Believers, Mobsta babes, or just S&B supporters. We want Sonny and Brenda together, because we've seen true love, and we want them to return to their 90's Supercouple status. Here are a couple of pics of each, and together. We know Sonny has a heart of gold, and that Brenda still loves her mobster. Enjoy these pictures of this wonderful couple! More will be here soon! But before then, if you do love S&B, go check out our hangout, Sonny and Brenda Online, a fabulous page by a fellow Believer and Babe. While you're there, please sign the SOS-B petition (there are three!) to save our Sonny and Brenda! The reunion is approaching, but tell the powers that be that you want it here now! Email or snail-mail, but be heard! Here are addresses.
Come in, stay awhile, have a cup of Sonnyshine and be sure to come to the next babe party!!
Also, if you are a true Sonny lover like us babes, come see VerityGrrl's Gallery of Maurice for some truly beautiful Sonny pics (some of which can only be found there!) or check out the Maurice Benard Homepage by the same founder of S&B Online!

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