After watching the Lion King in the cinema in November 1994, I have ever since been hooked by the sheer magic of the animation, the story and the soundtrack. The whole feature in its entirity has captivated me like no other film. Infact, I went to see it twice in the cinema, and was as thrilled by it all the second time as I had been the first.
It was the first time a film in the cinema had made me decide then and there that I had to have it as soon as it came out on video, which I duely did. I ordered my copy well in advance, just incase, and the day it was released went to pick up my copy of one of the best films I had ever seen.
Similarly, as soon as the sequel album of music was released, I rushed to the shops to buy a copy, and for those who haven't listened to Rythym of the Pridelands, I can full-heartedly recommend it, especially for those people who loved the orchestral pieces as much as the songs.
Therefore it was inevitable that when I created my own set of web pages that I should have a page set aside exclusively for the Lion King. From this page there will be a number of links to pages all over the world which are dedicated to The Lion King.
Of course, much of the information I have learnt about the film, and music is from the Usenet Newsgroup,
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Last Updated: 27/01/96