Welcome to Red's Guestbook.

Chris - 12/17/99 21:33:50
My URL:http://beseen4.looksmart.com/guestbook/x/183206/guestbook.html
How found page: Webring
There are some really mean people from a forum called Hissyfir ganging up on a friend of mine! Can you post nice things to her Web site no matter what you think of it? It's in the URL above.

melike - 08/20/99 18:12:47
My URL:http://members.delphi.com/angel
My Email:melikemete@hotmail.com
How found page: Well, I was searching on yahoo.com and I found this page.
Favourite Music: The Offspring, Savage Garden, Celine Dion and cher
Favourite Food: Pizza
Favourite TV Programme: I live in Turkey so you woudnt understand:))
Favourite Film: Devils Advocate
Yeah, you have a realy nice page. I loved your virtual pets.(Thats what washed me here in the first place) I'd give a ten out of ten to this page for sure:))) Please visit mah page and sighn the guestbook. I have a nouther page at: members.xoom.com/pet444 please visit this page as well.

Mike D - 08/06/99 05:15:07
My URL:http://pages.infinit.net/alienboy
My Email:alienboy@videotron.ca
How found page: Stubled in from Yahoo!
Favourite Colour: Purple
Favourite Music: Anything mellow
Favourite Food: Milk
Favourite TV Programme: None
Favourite Film: Nightmare Before Christmas
Wow, thats a lotta cats.

cherie - 07/04/99 19:38:44
My Email:billcher@sonic.net
How found page: thru movie site
Favourite Colour: blue
Favourite Music: classic rock
Favourite Food: shrimp
Favourite TV Programme: nypd blue
Favourite Film: brief encounter(original)
this is great! good to know there are lots of fans still out there. i got into the show on a local pbs station that ran a science fiction night every sunday. i am looking forward to checking out your site in detail.

Silke Collein - 05/22/99 21:27:24
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/colleins/
My Email:meow@gmx.net
Favourite Music: Garth Brooks
Favourite Food: ice
Favourite TV Programme: MTV
Favourite Film: Philadelphia
Hello, your site are great. It's good to find some feline friends in the net... :-)


- 05/12/99 22:02:59

Paula Possum - 05/05/99 03:26:48
My Email:kiarapaula@animail.net
How found page: Nala and Moira Kelly fan
Favourite Colour: Royal Blue
Favourite Music: Anything TLK!!!!
Favourite Food: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
Favourite Film: Anything with Moira Kelly in it. Especially TLK and SP
Hi there! Great Nala site! But I was just wondering: have you considered popping in a little something about Nala's voice (the beautiful and talented Moira Kelly)? I'd like to see that....

Nashreen Sinarimbo - 05/02/99 06:37:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Gallery/2784/
My Email:Nash@wetwetwet.com
How found page: Search for it
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Music: Pop Rock
Favourite Food: Japanese
Favourite TV Programme: Dawson's Creek
Favourite Film: God Father
Dearest, You're site is quite simple but very interesting. I hope I will from it. Keep up the nice work for many people proud of you. Happen to visit my site if you have a spare time and sign my guset book. Nash

Garry - 03/05/99 12:24:38
My URL:http://none
My Email:glust@van.bc.ca
How found page: Yahoo
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Music: light rock
Favourite Food: pizza
Favourite TV Programme: old movies
Favourite Film: Field Of Dreams.
I enjoyed your short stories.

Phillip Rhodes - 02/11/99 04:20:46
My URL:http://tardis.cjb.net
My Email:mindcrime@nccoast.net
How found page: Altavista search Engine
Favourite Colour: Black
Favourite Music: Metal.. Motley Crue, Metallica, Savatage, etc.
Favourite Food: Steak or Chinese
Favourite TV Programme: ?? DOCTOR WHO!!!!
Favourite Film: hmm.. Return of the Jedi
Cool page...

Angelo - 01/30/99 13:42:09
My URL:http://www.bellissime.com
My Email:Models2080@aol.com
How found page: 2nd visit
Favourite Colour: Blue night
Favourite Food: Italian Buffala Mozzarella
My name's ANGELO, check my Website at: An Italian Male model in New York angban.jpg (19838 bytes) my other Website at BELLISSIME - Free Models Portfolios Promoter bandbell.jpg (21545 bytes) Apart from my job as a model and promote other models, I have a family business to introduce Buffala Mozzarella into the States, with some nice recipes on line. Visit us at: Caseificio Delle Rose - Italian Buffala Mozzarella & Recipes DelleRose.jpg (27581 bytes)

Paul Diston - 01/26/99 14:00:20
My Email:paul.diston@mari.co.uk
How found page: Surfing Net, bored.
Favourite Colour: Lilac, Mauve
Favourite Music: Phil Collins, especially "No Jacket Required"
Favourite Food: Stotti Cake (northern version of bread.) The special ingredient is flour.
Favourite TV Programme: Real Stories of the Highway Patrol, Noel's House Party
Favourite Film: All Star Trek Films, anything with Judge Reinhold (hunk!)
I really, really like your page. Because I really really like Manchester United. I have supported them since I was ten years of age. They are my most favourite football team. Yours Sinseerely Paul Diston.

Chet Schveimmerripoickz - 01/26/99 13:45:40
My Email:s9512078@chelt.ac.uk
How found page: Shared Love for Manchester United!
Favourite Colour: Nothing but red, of course!
Favourite Music: Lighthouse Family, Savage Garden, Celine Dion, R-Kelly, Bone-Thugs 'n' Harmony
Favourite Food: Pizza, Hogies, Bagels.
Favourite TV Programme: X-Files, Xena, Cops, and of course any Manchester United games I can watch!!
Favourite Film: Titanic, Babe, In Love With Horse, Turner and Hooch, Star Trek : Wrath of Khan
Hey, your page rocks! I have just come over to Britain on a study exchange programme, and I have friends who like Manchester United- I just couldn't help wanting to support them too! I don't know much about soccer, but Manchester are the best!! Your site is one of the best I've seen, man, it's pretty out there and zany. I got to fly, man. Great success to the gnarly Manchester! Keep up the great page, baby! Love Chet Schveimmerripowickz

Mary - 01/23/99 16:17:58
My URL:http://www.bellissime.com/index.html/mary.htm
My Email:ABa6348258@aol.com
Nice homepage, compliment. maryban.jpg (30529 bytes)

Bryan Ng - 01/21/99 04:17:49
My URL:/Colosseum/Dome/3688/index.htm
My Email:Bryannks@yahoo.com
How found page: Man. Utd. Webring
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Music: R&B
MUFC is the Best!

albert mukendi - 01/13/99 15:58:54
My Email:mukendi@yahoo.com
Favourite Colour: dark bleu
Favourite Music: hip hop
Favourite Food: pasta
Favourite TV Programme: living five, love and married
Favourite Film: pulp fiction
HI I live in france and I'm 23.

Paul - 01/04/99 16:21:36
My URL:http://www.pauly.clara.net
My Email:pauly@clara.net
How found page: followed Blake
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Music: everything but opera
Favourite Food: veggy stuff
Favourite TV Programme: hmmmm Sci-fi all
Favourite Film: hmmm same
belly goodly b7 site-oid much more content than mine (grin)

Angelo - 12/24/98 20:58:53
My URL:http://members.aol.com/bufala6436/salcor.htm
My Email:Basile7035@aol.com
Favourite Colour: Blu night
Favourite Food: Mozzarella
Hi Kate, my URL & E_Mail address has be change, on top the test is my main business with my father about mozzarella and here is my personal model online portfolio. angelo1.jpg (81561 bytes) To fix all my links and pages will may take a coupple week this end of December 1998. Please take note. Happy Holiday

Angelo - 12/24/98 20:57:36
My URL:http://members.aol.com/bufala6436/salcor.htm
My Email:Basile7035@aol.com
Favourite Colour: Blu night
Favourite Food: Mozzarella
Hi Kate, my URL & E_Mail address has be change, on top the test is my main business with my father about mozzarella and here is my personal model online portfolio. angelo1.jpg (81561 bytes) To fix all my links and pages will may take a coupple week this end of December 1998. Please take note. Happy Holiday

David Segal - 11/24/98 22:46:28
My Email:David_Segal@Yahoo.com
How found page: Cranky Browser
Favourite Colour: Yellow-Orange
Favourite Music: Easy Listening/Lite Rock
Favourite Food: Mom's spaghetti
Favourite TV Programme: Doctor Who
Favourite Film: Lots of 'em
Greetings! Found your cool webpage, so I decided to stay awhile for a looksee.

Salvatore - 10/31/98 01:59:02
My URL:http://members.aol.com/svergone/salcor.htm
My Email:SVergone@aol.com
Favourite Colour: Blue night
Favourite Food: Mozzarella
Ciao from Naples DelleRose.jpg (34575 bytes)

Salvatore - 10/31/98 01:58:16
My URL:http://members.aol.com/svergone/salcor.htm
My Email:SVergone@aol.com
Favourite Colour: Blue night
Favourite Food: Mozzarella
Ciao from Naples DelleRose.jpg (34575 bytes)

10/23/98 09:07:58
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

- 09/03/98 02:17:14

Diva & Tiki - 08/12/98 04:48:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/2396
My Email:mcalbize@geocities.com
Hi, we were looking over our guestbook and came back to see if your new kittens pictures were up yet. They're not :-( Will you email us when they are? We really want to see them.

Lukas Baker - 07/30/98 06:33:54
My Email:bridgehs.lib@mns.net.au
How found page: Looking for Man Utd stuff
Favourite Colour: Red
Favourite Music: Greenday
Favourite Food: Chocolate
Favourite TV Programme: Premier league show
Favourite Film: Scream

Lukas Baker - 07/30/98 06:29:12
My Email:---
How found page: Looking for Man Utd stuff
Favourite Colour: Red
Favourite Music: Greenday
Favourite Food: Chocolate
Favourite TV Programme: Premier league show
Favourite Film: Scream

Jenn - 07/02/98 19:18:42
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Snuzzle/index.html
My Email:jmatthys@ix.netcom.com
How found page: newsgroups
Favourite Colour: lavendar
Favourite Music: grunge
Favourite Food: pasta
Favourite TV Programme: The Simpsons
Favourite Film: Seven
Just had to leave a note to tell you I love all the cat images on your page!!!

Madam - 06/05/98 22:14:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/madamxchange/index.html
My Email:madamxchange@yahoo.com
How found page: Sufin
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Music: Alt.
Favourite Food: Almond joy
Favourite TV Programme: ò¿ó
Favourite Film: ò¿ó
Hello, You have a great site!
I really enjoyed my visit! Come visit my site & request a custom graphic, or just take a look around and please sign my GuestBook.
MadamXchange Custom Graphics And Banner Exchange

Rob - 05/15/98 22:41:18
My Email:Herbs25@aol.com
How found page: Looking up onfo about mono cuz I have it!
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Music: RATM, Doors, Metallica
Favourite Food: Spagatti
Favourite TV Programme: none really
Favourite Film: Pulp Fiction, Star wars trillogy
Be cool and have fun.

Lisa - 03/29/98 14:27:55
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/7083
My Email:llschlen@midplains.net
How found page: from my guestbook
Favourite Colour: Coral
Favourite Music: top 40
Favourite Food: Shrimp!
Favourite TV Programme: Party of Five
Favourite Film: Titanic
Hello! Just thought I would stop by and meet you guys! You have a very nice page...so much so, that we have a surprise waiting for you in your e-mail!*S*

Becky "The Moderator" Dowgiert - 03/20/98 00:54:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/5422/WhoContents.html
My Email:bb708@freenet.carleton.ca
How found page: Saw your URL in *my* guestbook...
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Music: Can't decide...
Favourite Food: 'Healthy Bowl' tofu...
Favourite TV Programme: Law & Order
Favourite Film: Start the Revolution Without Me
Wow -- I *love* your wandering gifs(cat tracks)! And you've got stories of your own -- great! (I'll have to stop by again when you get more of them up on your page.) :)

Mary Milton - 02/27/98 20:36:19
My URL:http://wkweb5.cableinet.co.uk/mary.milton
My Email:mary.milton@cableinet.co.uk
How found page: your e-mail
cool page

Lori - 02/26/98 05:16:36
My URL:http://homepage.dave-world.net/~xpertree/lorihome.html
My Email:2burnt4u@dave-world.net
How found page: Luck
Favourite Colour: Pink
You have done a great job here, so many thing to see and enjoy, I do love cats! Thank-you, Please stop by and visit me at my Homepage

Renae Head - 02/22/98 01:36:34
My Email:krhead93@istlaplata.net
How found page: Search for Mono
Favourite Colour: Lilac
Favourite Music: Not Country
Favourite Food: Lobster tails
Favourite TV Programme: MST3K
Favourite Film: Somewhere In Time
Fun site! I'm a 30 year old mother of 3 (4 in October). We live in LaPlata, Missouri, USA, and I have a lot of spare cats roaming around my trash cans if you would like more!

Darren Ware - 02/15/98 22:59:51
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~thecomfychair
My Email:thecomfychair@bigfoot.com
How found page: CuddleLand Web Ring
Favourite Colour: Green
Favourite Music: Jungle
Favourite Food: Chocolate
Favourite TV Programme: The one with the national anthem that's on very late
Favourite Film: Repulsion
Hello! I was going to tell you that you have a truly marvellous page here. But as you snubbed my favourite type of music on your site, I won't. So there (he sticks his tongue out, oblivious to the fact that he's already said it)! Goodbye!

'Salem - 02/15/98 02:21:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/5196
My Email:jaida@bellatlantic.net
How found page: You signed my cats' guestbook at Troublemakers!
Favourite Colour: blue
Favourite Music: most any kind
Favourite Food: Steak
Favourite TV Programme: Space: Above And Beyond
Favourite Film: The Thing Called Love
Hi! I stopped by your site because you signed my guestbook, and so I thought I'd return the favor. And when I saw that you love The Lion King, I just had to give you this URL -- The Lion King WWW Archive -- it's si ply wonderful! My favorite character was (believe it or not) Scar, and I got a lot of great .wav files from this site to use with my ICQ program. Check it out!

Jonathan - 02/11/98 00:28:52
My URL:http://web.ukonline.co.uk/jonathan.baldwin
My Email:jonathan.baldwin@ukonline.co.uk
How found page: Into the Vortex
Favourite Colour: Er... all of them
Favourite Music: Beatles, Vaughan Williams, Mahler, quite into Radiohead at the moment, Fab Macca
Favourite Food: Pizza (every thursday) Chiken Korma (every Friday) - creature of habit!
Favourite TV Programme: Doctor Who, Friends
Favourite Film: Ooh. Brief Encounter? Empire Strikes Back, Life of Brian, Last Crusade - I've forgotten some...
I really must get my own web site up and running, you know. Ever since the cat died, and I had to take her site down I've just not had the heart! Nice site, Kate. Keep up the good wo

Windwhistler - 02/07/98 04:57:44
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~windwhistler_MLP/index.html
My Email:Windwhistler@hotmail.com
How found page: You told me!
Favourite Colour: Hmmm... Green or Black
Favourite Music: Umm... Sneaker Pimps
Favourite Food: Cheese
Favourite TV Programme: Quick Witz
Favourite Film: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Cool Page!! I love the intro. Thanx for leaving a message on my answering messine. Where is the MLP page? Well, good job.

Cindy - 01/25/98 19:06:55
My URL:http://members.aol.com/CTCougar20/mypony.html
My Email:cthomas@wsunix.wsu.edu
How found page: you signed my guestbook, and I got your site from there. :)
Favourite Colour: red
Favourite Music: Country
Favourite Food: Korean Food
Favourite TV Programme: ER
Favourite Film: The Lion King
Great Web Page! Thanks for signing my guestbook! I love cats too. We have two cats at my home in Seattle. One of them is 1. Don't know what I'd do without her. I've never been to the UK before. Maybe some day! Have you ever been to the US? Talk later. Cindy

~Unique~ - 01/21/98 12:15:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/3470
My Email:mickey@web-access.net
How found page: another guestbook
Favourite Colour: purple/black
Favourite Music: pop/rock/soul
Favourite Food: salads
Favourite TV Programme: *ick*
Very nice job and alot of information. You put alot of hard work into your site and it shows. Best of Wishes.....~Unique~

David Howe - 11/11/97 17:26:13
My URL:http://homepages.which.net/~howe/
My Email:howe@which.net
Nice pages, nice person

Warpath Scout Mike - 11/10/97 15:19:01
My URL:http://www.dallas.net/~warpath
My Email:warpath@dallas.net

What a great looking Website you have.
Do you like to Have Fun?
Do you like Great Competition?
Do I see a Great Warrior here?
Come on over to Webpage Warpath
Sign up today, Join in on the Fun.

Squire Tinabear - 10/06/97 04:51:22
My Email:tinabear@unforgettable.com
How found page: cruisin' the Cuddleland Webring
Favourite Colour: BLUE
Favourite Music: all kinds....most recently, *blush* country
Favourite Food: all the hard questions today...lasagna
Favourite TV Programme: ick! I hate TV, but I have been known to watch ER from time to time
Favourite Film: too many....um, Swing Kids, is the first that comes to mind
Awesome page, glad I stumbled across it :) In the grand tradition of Cuddleland *HUGS*CUDDLES*SNUGGLES*WARMFUZZIES*

- 08/21/97 01:23:14 GMT

christopher foster - 07/08/97 04:30:53 GMT
My Email:cdfoster@netidea.com
How found page: was looking for stephen donaldson fans, as I am just finishing his latest and have read all other . interesting that you like BEATLES and Kate Bush too. i still get goose bumps after twenty years of listening to Kate.
Favourite Colour: i think its yellow today
Favourite Music: ever hear of a canadian band called the Tragically Hi ?
Favourite Food: sushi
Favourite TV Programme: the only thing guns are good for is shooting televisions
Favourite Film: ghandi
i think that its generally too cloudy. the world that is.

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