eumel 's Home Page

Jodie Foster on Eumel's World Of Wonder

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Welcome to my Home Page

So you made it. Let me indroduce myself and what you will find here.
My pages are dedicated to the wonderful actress, director and producer Jodie Foster. There is quite a lot information available and I had lots of work to do to make it that far.
Lots of pictures scanning, ftping, browsing the web ... was necessary and I hope you love the results.
I always love to hear from you and so let me know what you would like to see or what I could change to make my pages better.
I assembled some link pages with Jodie Foster links and another with my favorite links to other places.
Biographic, Filmographic and Literature data is available on my bio pages. If you're looking for specific data you may e-mail me. I'm sure I can help you.
Most of the pages are about 10 KB large and should load quickly. There are some inline images which will load too but this shouldn't be a problem because they are small. The large ones will be loaded by following the thumbnail pics on my picture gallery.
More will come as time goes by. Be sure to drop by regulary.
I started to use frames so you get best results when using a browser with frame capabilities. You can use this HTML 3.0 free link if your browser does not carry the extensions necessary
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