This was sent to me by Showdown79. She found it in a magazine called "Roadshow"

It came out in about 1993

We have a translation!

This was sent to me by David Thompson

Michael Biehn and Charlie Sheen, who appeared together in Navy Seals, will meet each other again in the new "action" "Dead Fall". That by itself is pretty "hot" news, but the project, for which preparations are steadily getting under way, will also be joined by the (famous for his colorful/weird portryals) Nicholas Cage, fresh from his hit portrayal in "Honeymoon in Las Vegas". This heats up expectations of the work even more.

And what's more, the movie will be directed and co-scripted by Christopher Coppola, who as the name indicates is a part of the Francis Coppola family. In addition to Nicholas Cage, Talia Shire will also appear. And even though he's not related to anyone else in the movie, it's noteworthy that Peter Fonda is among the cast, his first appearance in quite awhile. Further details have not been released, but this line-up by itself is enough to make something to really look forward to.
