In Swedish


My name is LARS GRIP and I coming from Nordingrĺ "The High Coast of Sweden". I worked with my profession as picturengineer/technician on SVT, Swedish Television in Sundsvall until dec 2003. My work was with diffrent types of program as entertainment, sport, news, culture and family programs. I started working with media in 1973 at Swedish Radio in Stockholm. I moved to a regional Radio and TV station in Sundsvall in 1976. My wife and I have spend a lot of time in Jerusalem the capital of Israel.

View over Jerusalem

My family consist of my wife Viveca and our 3 children. Sara, Andreas and Maria. Sara is living in Sweden and she is married with Johan and have 5 children, Lukas born 1996, Anna born 1998, Markus born 2001, Elsa born 2005 and Isak born in February 2007. Andreas is living in Sweden and he is married with Valkiria from Brazil and have one child Déborah born 1997. Maria is living in Israel and she is married with Tuvia and have 3 children, Efraim born 2004, Emunah born 2005 and Talitha born 2007.

Responsible: Lasse Grip

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