Tegan's Worldwide Admirers Gallery

Due to the size of the scans I've included thumbprints below and a link to a main page for each. All the files here are JPEG packed ('cos I only have 1meg). Please select a link to view the main picture.

Tegan and Nyssa in the TARDIS lab

640 by 512 pixels greyscale. From Terminus

Janet Fielding in a very unusual outfit

600 by 440 pixels 24 bit colour. Promotional picture from 1982.

The Fifth Doctor, Adric and Tegan in the console room

520 by 470 pixels 24 bit colour.

Janet Fielding, the sonic screwdriver and a tree!

640 by 980 pixels greyscale. A promotional shot of Janet just after getting the role of Tegan. This one is quite big!

Tegan and Nyssa in the zero room

640 by 630 pixels 24 bit colour. Sadly a poor source image but the best I've got so far of the uniform...

Tegan, Adric and Mace

400 by 700 pixels 24 bit colour. Sadly another poor source (very dark despite the lightblasting I did) but I may try to revise it later.

Tegan, Nyssa and Adric in the TARDIS doorway

640 by 1100 pixels 24 bit colour. Slightly jaundiced (the yellow tint is from the original image, although I've corrected a bit) but a good promo shot. This one is massive!

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