WHAT's NEW! Page!

Hi! How are you? Well, after a long break away from the computer, I've finally found some 'time' to update this page and clear all the spider webs! The biggest change is the brand spanking new GILLIAN GALLERY! After literally hundreds of requests for a gallery, I've finally taken the time to compile more than 40 of my favourite pics. I really hope you like it. Tell me what you think and also, if you have a pic that's not in there, please let me know, and I'll try my best!
With the ever popular X-Files E-Mail Pal page, I really appreciate all the support you have given me. However, I have had to clear all the 'old' applications which include all e-mail pals prior to August 97. If you were on the list and would like to remain on, please let me know with up to date info, or simply fill out the list again.
Regarding the Poet's Corner, if you reckon you can rhyme CAT with SAT, you're the perfect person for the job! Please send me any of your contributions if you would like anything added to this page!
This page really relies on original ideas. So if you have an idea, please let me know! It would really keep me from being bored and boost up the page! But otherwise, thank you for all your support and visit again soon!