Gillian and X-File LINKS!
Welcome to my links page, totally devoted to Gillian and The X-Files! If you are a Gillian Anderson and/or X-Files site and would like to be included in these links, please mail me and we'll sort a deal (e.g. colors etc ) Mail me a reply with the subject "LINK" and in it, the URL, name and a little comment. Please return the favour and link my page as well! The correct name is Gillian FOREVER! : Dave's Gillian Anderson Page. No doubt, Dave's LINKS will grow as the days go by, so be sure to return!
Gillian Anderson Pages
Welcome to The GAHP
Gillian Anderson Worship Site
Contains GA Pix, Wavs, AVIs and your One Stop GA shop for anything and everything on GA!
Another Gillian Anderson Page
A simple yet slick page devoted to Gillian, includes info outside of the X-Files!
The Scully Shrine
A fast UK based picture (and soon AV) archive
X-Files Links
The Truth is Here
The Complete X-Files Page!
The X-Files Ultimate Repository
Rene Weber's X-Files page
Black Knight's X-Files Page
Extensive dossiers plus images, specials, Mulder/Scullyisms in WAV format and links.
Mulder's X-Files Page
The X-Files Headquarters
By Adam Kraynak
Mark "Mulder" Healey's X-Files Page in the UK
The Dutch X-Files Home Page
Audio snippets, Windows 95 theme and more!
The X-Files Shrine
Biographical Info and the best links.
The Office of the Assistant Director
Devoted to Assistant Director Skinner and the actor who plays him, Mitch Pileggi
The X-Files Connection
The complete site on the X-Files in Brazil. Covers episodes guide, characters, casts, multimedia, images, live chat, forum and news!
The X-Files Resource
Information on the good guys, bad guys and paranormal entities profiles; complete episode guide; info on novels, magazine and comic book; and a huge list of links.
Cteph's X-Files Page
Links, photo's and The X-Files Beginners Guide are here!
Resistance is Futile
A little bit of this and a little bit of that....but lot's of X-Files stuff throughout!
Tiffany's X-Files Page
Contains lots of links, pics, sounds, and stories from my adventures at conventions and in Vancouver, B.C.