Pride and Prejudice Surveys

Have your say on all aspects of P&P

Here are some surveys about Pride and Prejudice (A&E/BBC production, of course!). They are only for interest, so fill out as many as you like. Feel free to leave a message in my guestbook if you have any suggestions in the future.
Pride and Prejudice Survey 1
What's your favourite opening title background?

Hand sewing (floral/green/orange)
Pink/brown jacket with buttons
Pink silk
Dress (white/yellow/lacey)
Pink silk with brown/white lace
Cream with brown stitches

Current Results

Pride and Prejudice Survey 2
Who's your favourite character?

Fitzwilliam Darcy
Elizabeth Bennet
Charles Bingley
Jane Bennet
Georgiana Darcy

Current Results

Pride and Prejudice Survey 3
Who is your least favourite character?

Mr Collins
Baines (Fencing man)
Mrs Phillips
Anne de Bourgh
Mary Bennet
George Wickham
Mrs Forster

Current Results

I know that these surveys don't cover every character or whatever but please just leave your opinion for what is there. I am very curious to know about it! If you have a particular survey you think should be on here, please leave a message in my guestbook

Please leave me a message: Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

Jennifer Ehle as Elizabeth Bennet

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Disclaimer: This site is not affiliated with the production "Pride and Prejudice". If any pictures or statements are an infringement of copyright, please inform me and they will be removed. None of the information in these surveys will be used for commercial activities.

©1998 A.E.B.

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