Antus' Fantastic Homepage


Welcome to my homepage! This page is devoted to all things Jane Austen. She is my favourite author, and adaptations of her works are my favourite movies. One of my all-time-favourites is the 1995 BBC adaptation of "Pride and Prejudice", starring Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth.

Colin Firth as Mr Darcy

For those who don't know, it's a 6-part mini-series produced by Sue Birtwistle and with a fantastic screenplay by Andrew Davies. It's definitely one of the best things I've ever seen, and this opinion hasn't changed after at least 100 viewings!

Reasons why Pride and Prejudice is the best movie/TV series of all time:

1) No matter how much you watch it, there is always new depth and interest to be found.

2) All aspects of the production don't just stop at the movie. You can go deeper into everything - the themes, the society of the time, the costumes....everything!

3) The casting and acting of the production is brilliant. Every actor contributes to the humour or overall effectiveness of the movie. Even annoying Mary Bennet is great!

4) Mr Darcy is gorgeous, especially when played by Colin Firth!!! ;-)

(If you wish to add to this list, please leave a message with that info in my Guestbook )

Click here:Jane Austen Adaptations Pictures for more great pics like the ones on this page.

Click here to go to my Fitzwilliam Darcy Page


Coming soon: "Mr Collins page" (dedicated to P-man), "Humorous incidents and shots from PP" (dedicated to George) and also downloads of wallpapers etc created by yours truly.

BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER: visit a fantastic "Emma" page done by my good friend George!

Links to other sites on the Web

Sense and Sensibility movie site (**** great pics and a nice clip from soundtrack)

Colin Firth (Mr Darcy) sound files (*** good sounds, not too keen on the pics)

Jane Austen discussion group (***** it's the BEST. In-depth discussion of novels and adaptions plus links, fanfic and more)

Pride and Prejudice Prudence (***** a must see for all PP obsessees)

Planning a trip to Jane Austen country? See this site (**** great info)

Dances from Pride and Prejudice (**** MIDI files of all P&P dances, plus descriptions)

Colin Firth Appreciation (****1/2 fantastic pics)

Jo Dale's Homepage (which has a Jane Austen section)

****A&E site with interviews with main cast members from P&P

Some really great comments about P&P at the IMDb. My favourite is from "Lourdes C. Martinez" - well worth a read.

Please come back soon! I'm still working on this.

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Jennifer Ehle as Elizabeth Bennet

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Disclaimer: This site is not affiliated with the production "Pride and Prejudice". If any pictures or statements are an infringement of copyright, please inform me and they will be removed.

©1998 A.E.B.

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