The 244th Air Commando Squadron is the western division of the Canadian Space: Above and Beyond Fan Club. The 467th Air Commando Squadron is the eastern division counterpart.
Please send any recruitment questions to Captain. Geoffrey Adams and You will be contacted shortly.
What's this? An actual update? No my friends, Hell hath not frozen over. So, here's the deal. There's nothing new to report, S:AAB is no longer on the air in Canada, and the fan club has pretty much disappeared. Still, I carry on, and who knows, maybe I'll be updating more often should the mood strike me. I have it in mind to do a major revamp of the page, with fancy flash and stuff, but this is many months away. As for now, be strong, keep the faith and perhaps someday soon we'll all be a happy unit once more. If you want to get in contact with me, feel free, I'm always happy to hear from former squad members, or even people looking to join. So, that's it. Stay tuned, I'll be back Captain. Geoffrey "Pags" Adams, February 08, 2002
We can be found on Undernet, Channel #Tuntavern, usually during the evenings. If you need help accessing IRC, head on down to The mIRC homepage.
Do you spend a lot of time on IRC? Have a look at this site, You might be addicted to IRC if...
Other Space: Above and Beyond Stuff contributed by the 244th Midnight Furies
If other 244th members would like to contribute to the WWW page, please feel free to