Welcome to CJack's History & Information Page!

"In time all truth comes to light!! COME and 'SEE THE LIGHT'!!!!

** History? Ourstory? "The Story" of American History that you may or may not have learned in school. Included on this page are links to historical documents of the United States. (The Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Emancipation Proclamation). There are also links to pre-constitutional documents. American history is fascinating! However, "ALL Men", have not been included in most history books. We must all learn, preserve, and teach the WHOLE story of history. It is not, has not, and will not always paint a pretty picture. There have been from the start great injustices in the United States. This is a part of our undeniable history. As you read through the links on this page, keep an open mind. What has hindered the progress of the USA, is a lack of knowledge. We need to know, Your-Story, Our-Story, Their-Story. When we know this, then we'll know HISTORY!!! History as I am presenting on this page is that of 'The United States of America.

And for a look at * Today in Black History *, check out this link!

**** African American Pioneers ***

* Revisting "Black Wallstreet"

* UBP: History *

* Historical Articles *

* Harlem: Mecca of the New Negro *

* Did you know * (questions about history) *

Black History Month HomePage!

* Politics *

* Women *

* ! History !(topical as it applied) *

* * This is by no means a complete listing of historical websites. Just enough to peak your curiosity to the point that you will either search the web; or, go to you local library and research the subject further*. If nothing on the previous webstites aroused your couriosity, the following tidbits just may make you want to do a little research.

* You know Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Scott Joplin, and Ramsey Lewis. Now Meet the Greatest! and most famous! "BLACK" pianist that ever lived!!! *(and his parents,,just in case you need proof).*

* The Constitution of The United States of America *

*** This is a search for the U.S. Constitution. Great research and Study tool! * United States Constitution Search Page *

* The Declaration of Independence *

* The Emancipation Proclamation *

*** The following links will take you to an archive of many historical documents and speeches, including Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's, 'I have a dream', Abraham Lincoln's 'Gettysburg Address', and the 'Bill of Rights'

* Historical Documents Page *

* Historical Documents Page II *

African-American Pamphlets !

* Afro-Americ@: Information Index *

Uraban Census (stats)

AAHP(african-american homepage)!*!

The Net to A-A Connections(*)

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