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AfroAmerican Web Ring
This site is owned by -Clay Jackson-.
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Welcome to CJack's "Entertainment & Information Central" HomePage!!!!

A Place to Play & Stay! (Just for Fun!!).

Welcome to the internet; and, my homepage! I'm glad you found it. You will find this page both easy and useful while netsurfing. Hope you enjoy your stay. I will be making changes from time to time. E-mail me and let me know how you like the page,(sign the guest book). Also, let me know of any interesting sites on the net that you would like to see listed. For those of you who search the Web in search of old friends and relatives, here's a little info on the host. I'm from Okmulgee, Ok,(home of the worlds largest Black Rodeo). I attended Oklahoma State University from 8/78-5/83. (you may know me from there). I also had the pleasure of spending a good part of my summers growing up in the Windy City 'Chicago'. I currently live in Dallas, Tx. If you ever get the opportunity, come to Dallas. The weather is great all year. And go through Oklahoma, you'll love it. Great fishing and great scenery. That's enough!! (about me). On to the web!!! Have a good time. Hope to hear from you. Peace!!! **** Love is contagious, SPREAD IT! **** Clay A. Jackson *** I'd like to send my love and say what's up to my precious and wonderful daughters, Princess Carman & Princess Jasmine!! Daddy loves you! (remember to say your prayers) Thank you for making life a song worth singing!

*** 32: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. ***
Eph 4:32

Being defeated is often only a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent. -- Marilyn vos Savant 1946-NA

Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point. -- Harold B. Melchart

Click for Okmulgee, Oklahoma Forecast CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE TOP 1000!

Lady Liberty stands proud and strong in the midst of the attact on America 09/11/2001. This picture is a reminder of what we stand for, and that nothing in this world can destroy this Nation as long as God's watchful eye is upon us!

* God bless America, my home sweet home! *

***** These are the FEATURED SITES OF THE MONTH!!! *** The A.A. Invention Express! ***

**** And **** ** EURweb Front Page! **

**** then try *** * Angel's Quest
This is one of the best sites on the web!! * " ** **

* The following site is dedicated to one of the most gifted & talented entertainers of all time. She was my favorite songstess of all time! I know you'll will love and appreciate this wonderful site! Please enjoy this site that is dedicated to ** Minnie Ripperton **
**** Being from Oklahoma, and living Texas, I have seen a lot of storms of the worst kind. No doubt you've heard of "Tornado Alley"; but the worst storm in U.S. history occurred on March 18, 1925, **** The Great Tri-State Tornado!!!! ****
Simply mind boggling to say the least!!!!

**** Check out the following site. I think I can safely say you will enjoy! **** EverythingBlack.com

*** And you can check me out at ** The Black Planet! **

* The following pages are holiday related. The first is for information! * The Celebration of First Fruits - Kwanzaa! *
And the second is one of my favorite Christmas songs!!! Ode to Mr. Grinch! (you're a mean one)!


* Email *
If you don't have an email address, this is the link for you. You can find an email address to suit your needs!

** WallaMail ** **ExciteMail**

** PostMark **

** HotMail **

** MyWay.com **

** BaptistMail**

** Mail.com **

** Fastmail **

** GMail **

Click on the graphic to vote for this
page as a Starting Point Hot Site

Quick Links to my favorite WebPages & Websites!

The following pages are set up for quick access to inspirational, entertainment,ect, as indicated. There are a lot of great links here!!

%%% Inspirational Page %%%

** Daily Bible Study **

*** Entertainment & Music Page ***

$$$ Children/Parent/Fun & Education Page,(with special CHRISTmas section). $$$

^^^ History Page!! ^^^

^^^ Beyonce & Company!! ^^^

^^^ Just Beyonce!! ^^^

^^^ Beyonce Online!! ^^^

^^^ Beyonce World!! ^^^

%%% Anything & More Page!! %%%

If you'd like to keep up with today in history, learn a new word, or even some cool facts, check out * The Learning Kingdom * A lot of information, and a lot of fun!!!! ***

Another place to go get a lot of information quick is * The RefDesk.Com * You could spend sometime on this page!!

If you're courious about * How Things Work * you will really enjoy this site!!

And for a look at * Today in Black * History,
check out this link!

These links are a small tribute to Oklahoma! (check them out for fun).

Welcome to Oklahoma!!
Travel guide and tourist information.

Oklahoma's Green Country!!!!!

Oklahoma State University ! Cowboys ! (OSU)

*OU* Oklahoma Sooners!

** Catch up on local and national news. Here we feature newspapers from around the U.S. The Okmulgee Daily Times

The Tulsa World

The Daily Oklahoman

The Minneapolis Star Tribune

The Dallas Morning News

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram

Click for Dallas, Texas Forecast

Click for Dallas, Texas Forecast

The New York Times

The Washington Post

The Los Angeles Times

The Chicago Tribune

The Atlanta Journal Constitution

*** Good News EVERYDAY!!! *** *** THE POSITIVE PRESS!!! ***

If you like or need to send flowers,,,this is the place to go!

*** The FLOWER Link! ***

or; *** PRO Flowers! ***

And for special occasions.... *** NetDiamonds ***

If your sending flowers and looking at diamonds, you may want to check out a few travel links!!!
*** Travel Zoo! ***

And for the spice of life!.... ** Victoria's Secret!! **

And just for fun,,, checking the online shopping auction at!.... ** Ubid!! **

Find out where you are going anywhere in the United States with ** MapQuest **

The following links are to News, Weather, Sports, and search engines. You can also look up old friends from the 'people search' page links!!

Clay Jackson's Score Page!

The Official Minnesota Vikings Webpage!!

Minnesota Vikings website!

* Viking Mania! *website!

The Viking Update!!

Vikings Rule!!.com!

Minnesota Vikings Favorites!

CNN/Sports Illustrated

The Minnesota Vikings Web Ring, Click here for index.
This Minnesota Vikings site owned by
--Clay Jackson--.
Want to add your site? Click here.

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E-mail the ringmaster.

The Quick search Page!

Search all major engines at once!


** All-N-One ** Search Page !!

CNN News online +

USA Today +

SportsLine +

ESPN Sports online+


Person Search I(look up old friends and relatives)

Person Search II

High School Alumni - Keeping People Together For Years To Come

Hey! if you find an old friend, or just need to send a greeting, thank you, or special occasion card, check out this site. Not too bad if I say so myself! * Bluemountain Greeting Cards *

greetz.com - Thought of the Day greeting card

The AAN Ring Clay Jackson is a member of the AAN Ring
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*** A candid picture of me,(on the left), and one of my homies(12P) ***

*** My wish list!!!!! (smile).

*** Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. : In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.*** (Proverbs 3:5,6)

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© 1996 clay.jackson@excite.com

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