Old Bridge Public
Library Science Fiction Discussion Group
--Upcoming Discussion Schedule--
Be reminded that this information is on-line for easy access.
It is at
The original reading discussion group has a similar site at <http://www.geocities.com/markleeper/ob_discussion_gen.html>.
**REMINDER**: With the new electronic catalog (<http://librarycatalog.lmxac.org/>,
which will redirect you to where
you can request your own inter-library loans. So even if the
other libraries
don't respond to the Old Bridge Library's request for copies, you can
order a copy for yourself.
05/28/09--RETURN FROM THE STARS by Stanislaw Lem
pages: 247
copies in LMxAC catalog: 5 copies in the system/1 in Old Bridge
suggested by: Richie
"Hal Bregg is an astronaut who returns from a space mission in which
only 10 biological years have passed for him, while 127 years have
elapsed on earth. He finds that the earth has changed beyond
recognition, filled with human beings who have been medically
neutralized. How does an astronaut join a civilization that shuns
risk?" [amazon.com]
10/22/09--stories by Edgar Allan Poe
suggested by: Evelyn
The Pit and the Pendulum 29
The Fall of the House of Usher 34
The Black Cat 13
The Tell-Tale Heart 7
The Cask of Amontillado 9
The Masque of the Red Death 8
Hop-Frog 12
(joint with original group)
pages: 216
copies in LMxAC catalog: lots in Old Bridge (summer reading list)
suggested by: Dawn
"Join Douglas Adams's hapless hero Arthur Dent as he travels the galaxy
with his intrepid pal Ford Prefect, getting into horrible messes and
generally wreaking hilarious havoc. Dent is grabbed from Earth moments
before a cosmic construction team obliterates the planet to build a
freeway. You'll never read funnier science fiction; Adams is a master
of intelligent satire, barbed wit, and comedic dialogue. The
Hitchhiker's Guide is rich in comedic detail and thought-provoking
situations and stands up to multiple reads. Required reading for
science fiction fans, this book (and its follow-ups) is also sure to
please fans of Monty Python, Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, and
British sitcoms." [amazon.com]
(All quoted descriptions from amazon.com unless otherwise noted.)
Future possibilities:
Robert Sheckley
Ursula K. Le Guin (The Lathe of Heaven)
Poul Anderson (Tau Zero)
Roger Zelazny (Lord of Light)
Stanislaw Lem (Tales of Pirx the Pilot)
Hal Clement
H. P. Lovecraft
Wilmar Shiras (Children of the Atom)
The information above is on-line for easy access. It is at
Also, at least two people have web sites/blogs of comments on what they
are reading: