MGM Cartoon Information Page

Droopy Poodle

droopy This character was created by Tex Avery, who directed the series until he left mgm in 1954, and was based on the character Wallace Wimple of the "Fibber McGee and Molly Show". Bill Thompson (of Fibber McGee Fame) voiced Droopy till he was replaced by Daws Butler and then Don Messick.


Directed by: Tex Avery, Dick Lundy, and Micheal Lah
Title Release Date Director Notes
Dumb Hounded 3/20/43 Avery
Shooting Of Dan McGoo 3/3/45 Avery originally The Shooting of Dan McScrew
Wild And Wolfy 11/3/45 Avery formerly Robinson's Screwball
Northwest Hounded Police 8/13/46 Avery formerly The Man Hunt
Senor Droopy 4/9/49 Avery
Wags To Riches 8/13/49 Avery formerly From Rags to Riches
Out-Foxed 10/12/49 Avery
The Chump Champ 11/4/50 Avery
Daredevil Droopy 3/31/51 Avery
Droopy's Good Deed 5/5/51 Avery
Droopy's Double Trouble 11/17/51 Avery
Caballero Droopy 9/27/52 Lundy
Three Little Pups 12/26/53 Avery
Drag-Along Droopy 2/20/54 Avery
Homesteader Droopy 7/10/54 Avery
Dixieland Droopy 12/4/54 Avery first in CinemaScope
Deputy Droopy 10/28/55 Avery
Millionaire Droopy 9/21/56 Avery
Grin And Share It 5/17/57 Lah first production by Hanna/Barbera
Blackboard Jumble 10/4/57 Lah
One Droopy Knight 12/6/57 Lah Academy Award Nomination
Sheep Wrecked 2/7/58 Lah
Mutts About Racing 4/4/58 Lah
Droopy Leprechaun 7/4/58 Lah

Barney Bear

barney bear Some say this character was based on Rudolf Ising's sleepy personality. In the early episodes Barney was designed with tons of detail...six eybrows and heaps of fur...and animating him was quite a feat. I happen to love the fact that cuddliness and detail won out over laughs and pranks in this cartoon series. Or at least till some of the last few, which were still quite good mind you, just not of the same high detailed quality.

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Directed by: Rudolf Ising, George Gordon, Preston Blair, Michael Lah, Dick Lundy

Title  Release Date  Director  Notes
The Bear That Couldn't Sleep  6/10/39 Ising
The Fishing Bear  1/20/40 Ising
The Prospecting Bear  3/8/41 Ising
Rookie Bear  5/17/41 Ising
The Flying Bear  11/1/41  Ising
The Bear And The Beavers  3/28/42  Ising
Wild Honey  11/7/42  Ising  formerly How To Get Along Without A Ration Book 
Barney Bear's Victory Garden  12/26/42  Ising
Bah Wilderness  2/13/43  Ising
The Uninvited Pest  7/17/43  Ising  re-released 4/29/50 
Bear Raid Warden  9/9/44  Gordon
Barney Bear's Polar Pest  12/30/44  Gordon  formerly Bedtime For Barney 
Unwelcome Guest  2/17/45  Gordon  formerly Skunk Story 
The Bear And The Bean  1/31/48  Blair/Lah  My personal favorite! 
The Bear And The Hare  6/26/48  Blair/Lah  formerly Snowshoe Baby 
Goggle Fishing Bear  1/15/49  Blair/Lah  formerly Goggle Fishing 
Little Wise Quacker  11/8/52  Lundy
Busybody Bear  12/20/52  Lundy
Barney's Hungry Cousin  1/31/53  Lundy
Cobs And Robbers  3/14/53  Lundy
Heir Bear  5/30/53  Lundy
Wee Willie Wildcat  6/20/53  Lundy
Half Pint Palomino  9/26/53  Lundy
Impossible Possum  3/28/54  Lundy
Sleepy-Time Squirrel  6/19/54  Lundy
Bird-Brain Bird Dog  7/30/54  Lundy

Hugh Harman Cartoons

fox and hounds After "Happy Harmonies" Hugh Harman returned to MGM and created a new series using a familiar formula. These are an absolutely tremendous group of cartoons not to be missed. As a child in the early 60's, though I haven't seen them in decades, I shall never forget "Field Mouse" or "The Little Mole". The effort "Peace On Earth" is considered to be the absolute pinnacle of Harman's career.

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   Directed by: Hugh Harman
Title  Release Date  Notes 
Art Gallery  5/13/39
Goldilocks And The 3 Bears  7/15/39  re-released 11/22/47 
Bear Family  Was totally abandoned 
The Bookworm  8/26/39  directed by Friz Freleng 
The Blue Danube  10/28/39
Peace On Earth  12/9/39  Academy Award Nomination 
The Mad Maestro  12/30/39
A Rainy Day  4/20/40
Tom Turkey And His Harmonica Humdingers  6/8/40
The Bookworm Turns  7/20/40
Papa gets The Bird  9/7/40
Lonesome Stranger  11/23/40
Abdul The Bulbul Ameer  2/22/41
The Little Mole  4/5/41
The Alley Cat  7/5/41
Field Mouse  12/27/41
The Hungry Wolf  2/21/42

little cheeser   projector 4