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In this page you can consult some statistics on my phonecard collection.


Country number of cards
Albania 1
Andorra 2
Austria 23
Belarus 2
Belgium 59
Bosnia Erzegovina 2
Bulgaria 13
Finland 4
Croatia 23
Cyprus 13
Czech Republic 8
Danmark 2
England 118
Estonia 2
Finland 32
France 158
Germany 51
Greece 107
Holland 105
Hungary 34
Ireland 50
Italy 90
Jersey 9
Lithuania 1
Luxembourg 3
Malta 4
Norway 11
Poland 24
Portugal 144
Romania 1
Russia 3
Slovenia 73
Spain 36
Sweden 22
Switzerland 58
Turkey 9



Country number of cards
Australia 34
Bangladesh 2
Comores 1
Hong Kong 31
Indonesia 45
Israel 43
Japan 50
Korea 14
Macao 2
Malaysia 13
New Zealand 61
Singapore 20
Sri Lanka 1
Taiwan 35
Thailand 2
Vietnam 1



Country number of cards
Bahrain 2
Djibouti 1
Egypt 3
Emirates 33
Ghana 1
Gambia 1
Gibraltar 1
Ivory Coast 2
Kenya 2
Kuwait 6
Mali 4
Marrocos 7
Quatar 10
South Africa 8
Sultanate of Oman 36
Uganda 3
Yemen 1


South America

Country number of cards
Argentina 38
Bahamas 2
Brazil 115
Chile 2
Cuba 1
Curacao 2
Jamaica 3
Mexico 2
Peru 4
Trinidad and Tobago 1
Uruguay 8
Venezuela 9


North America

Country number of cards
Canada 23
Hawaii 17
USA 66

Besides these I have also some cards from unknown countries.

My collection currently counts 2031 different phonecards.

You are visitor number since June 27, 1996

Sergio Azenha

Copyright © 1996-99 Sergio Azenha
Most recent revision April 20, 1999