The Phillies have been around since 1883. They
have two World Series titles in 6 trips. Heres a list of
there Championships:
Champions -- 1980, 2008 National
League Champs -- 1915,1950,1980,1983,1993, 2008 National
League East Division Champs -- 1976,1977,1978,1980,1983,1993, 2007, 2008 NL
East Champs (1st half) 1981 The
following numbers have been retired: Richie Ashburn (1), Jim Bunning (14),
Mike Schmidt (20), Steve Carlton (32), Robin
Roberts (38) The
following number was retired by major league baseball: Jackie Robinson (42) The
following players were honored, but no official numbers were retired: Chuck Klein, Grover Cleveland Alexander
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