hannah-cleo's Home Page This page was last updated on the 2nd of June 2000.

Welcome to my Life and Links page!

Hi, I'm a 20 year old from Britain. Depending on where you saw me, you may know me by one of several nicknames- Hannah, HannahF, Cleo or Angua, to name but a few (one of the strange quirks of the 'net being that you can't have just one name wherever you go- gets a tad confusing, sometimes!)... Here is a picture of me taken at DisneyWorld some time ago (you'll never guess who I'm with!)... I'd stick a newer one on, but being a bit on the camera-shy side, I don't think I have any! :-)

As always, I'm still building this page, so watch out for fallen masonry- I'm in the middle of a total re-organisation of the place soon. I mean it this time! No, really, I do... So, if for some reason you're interested in anything on this page (why? why?), check it out again in a couple of weeks, you never know, I may have been so bored I've actually gotten down to spring cleaning my pages...

This page is due to contain links to a number of sites that I like, and hopefully you will too...

Links to my favourite sites around the Web...

The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) A fun and useful search engine with all the information you could possibly want onall the films you've seen, want to see, or have a question about, as well as all the cast and crew.

Garfield Online OK, so I'm a big kid, I don't care... The sites generally not bad, but I generally just check out the daily comic strip

The Dilbert Website "It's better than working" apparently. Worryingly familiar, despite the fact I havn't hit office-ville yet...*g*

Pollstar- The concert hotwire An incredibly useful gig, artist and music information guide: Find out what's on in your area, keep track of where your favourite artists are playing, and sign up for free notification of tour dates.

TheSpark Not really suitable for the under 18s, but makes me laugh myself stupid; online death tests, un-telligence tests, and much more...

Emode online tests and quotes Even more online tests, eveything from a celebrity matchmaker to the 'what kind of dog are you?' test. And no, I'm not telling you!*s*

JigZone- online puzzles A fun way of wasting all that time you should be spending on revision (be warned though- it doesn't seem to like running on slow connections and older platforms)...

Cyberteens An electronic magazine aimed at teenagers, and often written by them. It's fairly arts based, but has certainly got something for everyone- bulletin boards to meet up, articles by real teens, interviews, pictures as well as as several serial stories. I loved this site as a 15-18 year old (possibly due to the fact that I used to be a pretty regular columnist) and even now I still pop back to visit occasionally: If you want to have a peek at a couple of my favourite submissions, check out:

Live and Kicking in the UK!
Famous people

Well, given that I'm in the middle of a tidy up, I havn't got anything else listed just now- check back soon!

My own pages...

Film, film, film! - The official sites for my favourite films, plus hotlinks to the major production companies.

"Due South" - I think it's the best programme...

"Early Edition" - What would you do if you knew the future?

Book links...

Links to Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" sites
L-space provides far more information than any sane person could possibly want on my favourite comedy author, Terry Pratchett and his work.

By now you must certainly be thinking "Why on Earth does this girl have such a thing for films and TV?" Well, the answer (or possibly the result) is I'm in the second year of my Communications and Media Studies degree (no, not a telly watching degree- it's mainly psychology and sociology, 'atch), as well as being a member and chair of Flix, the Student Cinema , liason officer for our Campus radio station , and occasional columnist for our student magazine . Totally irrelevant, but also very enjoyable, I'm also a member of the Archery Club.
Apart from having a slightly hectic (but exceedingly fun) social life, I also work at the Students Union, in a variety of jobs- cloakroom supervisor and Nightbus Chaperone being two...
Tired? Me? Never! :-)

Hello to everyone I know who might be visiting this page: Kat, Rob, Scott, Babs, Kimia, Michael, Ben, Emma, Claire, Kyle, Tate, CookieC, Pete, Keren, Spud, Andy M, Andy T, Alec, Simon, Chris C, Chris S, Rishi, Michelle, Emily, Helen, Shan, Liz , Rich, Steve B, Steve W, Mark C, Mark G , Louisa , Dan, Tim, Lisa, Muppet, Gareth, Graeme , Alex, Alan , Jonny, Ian P, Tildat and Michael H. If I left anyone out, then sorry! :) Mail me at hannah.f@dial.pipex.com , and I'll change it. Also Hi to everyone from Flix, Archery, LCR, Label, Ents, CMS Y2, BWCTC, Cyberteens and WBS. Phew!

Don't forget my WBS homepage - the counter below is linked to both. However, as it pretty much directs you to this page (and hasn't been updated in even longer!), there may be very little point in visiting it... :-)

Well, I figured it was time to get rid of my bit about the holiday, but I liked the dolphin picture, so it's staying. So there!

Hooray! Yet another new counter for my homepage- Let's hope this one works better than the last ones did! Though having said that, I have a slight suspicion that I've not had quite this many visitors...

I have done my best to ensure that all these links are decent and follow the rules of my provider, Geocities. Equally, I am not responsible if the nature of a site changes, but if you feel it is unsuitable, or the link is now 'dead', then please mail me on the address above. Thanks!

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