Action Web is a FAN site and DOES NOT represent Mr John Woo and Mr Tsui Hark in
any manner.
- I've got a great script for Mister Woo, can you forward it to him for me?
Read the disclaimer at the top of the page.
- Hi! I compose great music and would you like to sample some of it? Maybe
we can work together.
Read the disclaimer at the top of the page.
- I love your movies, can you send me a poster of xxxx? My address is xxxx...
Read the disclaimer at the top of the page.
- What's with the revamp? I thought your old design was OK.
I kinda felt it was a little dated. It was actually optimised for Netscape 2.0
and Internet Explorer 3.0! Though Action Web is primarily a John Woo/Tsui Hark
'Resource', I felt the need to widen the scope a little. So now and then, you'll
even see reviews of Japanese movies as well.
- Hey, why don't you use Macromedia Flash or somethin' to jazz your site
up? Lots of sites feature cool music loops and great animation.
I believe surfers come to my site for a simple reason. Content. There's no sense
in delaying information retrieval by forcing surfers to view a 100kb splash movie
with spinning logos and music loops before they can do so. But kudos to Macromedia
for making cool applications.
- How can I contact John Woo or Tsui Hark?
I've their snail-mail addresses under . Film Workshop has an email though,
- Where do you get all those posters from? How many do you actually own?
I consider myself lucky, having showed up when a couple of video libraries were
closing down. I went in, asked the store owner for permission to grab a few. Sometimes,
when the VHS or VCD for a movie is released, I will ask the video store to reserve
the poster for me. I usually pay S$2 for one. I bought a couple from stores and
those left me eating bread and drinking plain water for weeks. I would say I possess
85% of the posters you see in the gallery.
- Where can I buy the movie soundtracks listed in your MOVIE MUSIC section?
I'm locating sites which sells them. If you're looking for the SWORDSMAN II soundtrack,
chances of you finding it are slim. The local HMV and Tower Records gave me a
blank look when I inquired about it.
- Who are you and what do you do?
It's in the section.
- Can you tell me John Woo's or Tsui Hark's email?
Unfortunately, I don't know if they have any personal email at all.
- Can I borrow images from your site? After all, your site says 'Resource'.
If you politely request, I may consider and it also depends on the situation.
I had a bad experience of shameless people ripping off my posters and images.
I know I don't own the copyright to these pictures but I went through a lot of
trouble to get them.
- Help! I can't find the Movie Music section!
Movie Music is now classified under .
- I've got a scoop, can I share it with you?
Sure thing! Facts or rumours, send 'em over. But don't email me photos without
notifying me in advance. I've limited email space.
