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since December 14, 1996
This page is still under construction. For now you can get ALIENS10, a very cool user map I created for Duke Nukem 3d. The map is a good representation of of the final rescue scene in Aliens™ where Ripley enters the atmosphere processor to save Newt. Take a look at the screen shots below! Also check out my ALIENS20 and ALIENSPP maps which are just like ALIENS10 but ALIENS20 is smaller and faster for dukematches on the Total Entertainment Network and ALIENSPP is just like ALIENS10 but with the new aliens from the Plutonium Pak/Atomic Edition of Duke Nukem 3D.
A good shot of the drop ship inside the atmosphere processor
The platform with the drop ship waiting
Sub-Level 02 after coming out of the cargo elevator
The descending platform into Sub-Level 03
Into the tunnels
The alien queen's nest
Alien residue
The cargo elevators
I am a level designer for BDP and made both the Himalayan Hell
and Martian Red Light District maps: Download "The Gate" Now!
The Official Duke Nukem 3d Page at 3d Realms
The Total Entertainment Network
Aliens™ is a copyright of 20th Century Fox
Duke Nukem 3D™ is a copyright of 3D Realms