The Sound Studio


APOLLO13.WAV Apollo 13 : Buzz "Huston we have a problem"

20_SECS.WAV Robocop : ED-209 "Put down your weapon you have 20 seconds to comply"

CHICKS1.WAV Batman forever: Batman "I't the car right chicks love the car"

FAILURE.WAV Apollo 13 : "Failure is not an option"

SMOKIN.WAV The Mask : Jim cary "Ssssssmokin!!"

TERMINAT.WAV The Terminator : Arine "I'll be Back"

GOODMORN.WAV Good Morning Vietnam : Robin willams "Gooooood morning Vietnammmm !!!"


WHATS.WAV Bugs Bunny "What's up doc"

TWEETY.WAV Tweety bird "I thorough I saw a pussy cat I did, I did see a pussy cat"

SUCOTASH.WAV Sulvester : "Suffern Sucotash"

TV Shows

MAX.WAV Get Smart : Max "Missed it by that much"

SMART1.WAV Get Smart : Max "I'll Be back"

COOKING.WAVRed Dwarf : Cat "Were cooking now how do you want your's permed or blow dried"

DEFENCE.WAVRed Dwarf : Drop the defensive shield scene bettween Cat and Kryten

LIE3.WAV Red Dwarf : Kryten "Lie mode... Of course of it work sir, no worrys"

REDDWRF4.WAV Red Dwarf : Kryten "Engage panic circuits.. panic circuits engaged Arhhhhhh!!"

COMMAND.WAV Star Trek : Kirk "I am assuming command of this vessle"

KIRKHERE.WAV Star Trek : Kirk "Kirk here"


SDOWNINI.WAV Mech Warrior ][ (game) "Shut down sequence intiated"

ALLSYSOK.WAV Mech Warrior ][ (game) "All systems nominal"

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