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Welcome to my Red Dwarf page.
Firstly if you haven't seen Red Dwarf well your missing out on a lot!!,
or just don't know who they are? well I'll introduce the cast.
Ohh... Yea That's Holly the computer in the middle after her... his.. well
IT's sex change.
Don't forget to bookmark this as when I get some more free time I will add
some links to Pic's sounds, Well I haven't Had had much time spare and what I do have I am spending on
my Starwars pages so Please visit them as well if you would like me update
this page and add other stuff pics snd's etc e-mail, pester me, yell abuse
to do some more work on it and I might get around to it other wise this page
will not but updated for a long time
Thanks for visiting
Well that's it for now don't forget to sign my guest book on the main page.
You can mail me at ( )
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If you don't know the history of Red Dwarf well here's a quick review. It
all started when Lister and Rimmer were best friends (OK. their not quite
the best of friends) on a mining space ship called Red
Dwarf, of all names. Well Lister had a pet cat which broke ship rules
so he was put in to stasis for the remainder of the journey. Shortly after
this, one of the reactors exploded due to Rimmer's incompetents and so every
body died except the cat which mutated in to a human like form and Lister
who was in stasis. Lister was taken out of stasis after a few hundred thousand
years after which the contamination had dropped. To his awaking he had his
friend Rimmer now as a Hologram, a mutated cat, a descendent of his pet cat,
and the computer called Holly at this time was male. In their journey's they
found Kryten a mechanoid and also Holly had a sex change and became a female.
and I also have some midi files so I put then on as soon work out which series
they come from??
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