Welcome to the Gamer's World hompage, the best place to find games that are free to you. Remember all of these games are the best I have found, and I've spent a lot of time searching engines and browsing through sites for the best games in every category so that you don't have to

I have organized my collection in four categories:

  1. Shooters- All of those fast pace killing games that we all have grown to love
  2. Skill- Programs requiring coordination and skills
  3. Thinking- Those mind-boggling, head banging, cranium crunching games of thought that keep us comming back for more
  4. Weird- The off-the-wall type games that make no sense but are still fun to play and addictive.

So click away to your heart's desire and don't forget to always come back for more, it will always be changing, just like the art of gaming. Have a lovely day and game on!

Search for more games on my four built-in, and well known, search engines
