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These are the most popular levels
Badness 2 -The D2 version of a popular level
Total Chaos 2 -A must-have level
D2 Mega Death -A lot better than the first version for D1
Earth Shaker, Earth Shaker 2, and Earth Shaker 3 -These are the most popular anarchy level
Gigadeath, and Gigadeath 2 -Popular Mega-Death add-ons
Kaotix 2, and Kaotix 3 -Imports from popular D1 levels
Cool Anarchy -All are made for the purpose of killing everyone in site
Mega Deluxe 2 -The best-ever mulitplayer level
Mega Mega Deth 2 -This is the best anarchy level because of the hiding places
Minerva 2 -The latest popular level on Kali and Kahn
Speed Racer, Speed Racer Pro, and Speed Racer Elite -Main choice of seasoned pros
Panic Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 -Popular levels made by Interplay
Annoying Robot

Level Editors, Utilities and Misc. Files

DEVIL 2.2b -THE level editor for D1 is now compatible with D2
DTX 2 -Extract your favorite sounds or pictures from the game with this handy utility
Despatch -The BEST saved game editor, great graphics
DesEdit -Sorry, the maker decided to close shop and is not holding it anymore
Die Bot Die!
Descent II 3-Level Interactive Preview (4.2 MB) -First you need the game

Descent II 1.2 Updates!

Official HTML Descent & Descent 2 FAQ
Descent Master -Saved game editor for all versions of Descent
Matt's Saved Game Editor -For D2 only
KoolBear's Mission Grabber -A great utility to automatically download and install new levels
Descent Studio Pre-Release 3 -An editor for many of the files used to drive Descent and Descent 2
Descent Briefing Editor -Great for mission builders or just for kicks
D.R.O.P. -Descent Ramdom Objects Positioner
Macro Color Changer -Changes the macro colors for your D2 games
Descent 2 Theme -For the Windows 95 Plus Pak
Descent Mission Maker -Compile your levels into complete missions
Game Monitor -A cool utility to display multiplayer games with more info
Extra Life

Kali logo
Kali is the best software for online gaming, and it is free for the first 15 minutes. Then it is $20 to register, but it is well worth it to register. Getting set up is the hardest part.

Basic Info
You should start with Kali DOS, also get this one for the ppp drivers to run it (it's required)
If you have Windows 95, get Kali95.
And, if you have OS/2, use Kali OS/2.
MacKali is also in beta now.
There is also a Japanese Win95 version.
This file lets you play Deadlock over Kali.
And finally, with this one, you can play Doom/Hexen/Heretic a lot faster.


Interplay's D2 page
Paralax's D2 page
Descent Developer Resources Page
The Descent Hackers Resource Page
Totally Descent 2
Descent2: Blue Waters
Kookbear's Descent 2 page
Guide Bot

Want your page to be advertised here?
Send me your URL, a description and anything else you think I need and I'll add it to the list

Cheat codes for registered version

  • gabbagabbahey: Sucks your energy!
  • bittersweet: Fish lens view (sucks like crap)
  • alifalafel: Accessories
  • pigfarmer: John's head (your guess is as good as mine)
  • freespace: Level warp
  • godzilla: Ramming kills quicker
  • spaniard: Mass kill all bots (type three times to kill everything)
  • gowingnut: Make the guidebot kick other bot's butt
  • almighty: Invulnerability!!
  • lpnlizard: Homing weapons
  • helpvishnu: Revive guidebot or create another
  • rockrgrl: Full map
  • delshiftb: Destroy reactor & move ship by exit
  • oralgroove: All keys
  • honestbob: Almost all weapons (in 1.1 upgrade, it gives you all weapons)
  • duddaboo: Bouncing weapons
  • blueorb: Adds 27 shields (If you have version 1.1)
Helix Cannon

Omega Cannon

Netscape 3.0Click Here to Start

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