I enjoy freelancing very much, because it makes me a versatile in
directing and other production positions. I also get to meet a lot of new
and interesting people.
At the station that I used to I work for, (WNVT-53 and WNVC-56) I direct
shows with multiple sets, cameras, talent, deck playbacks, etc. This sounds
challenging, but I work with a regular crew(which is very talented) and we
are already in sync because we always work together.
When I freelance though, I work with new crew members who probably
have not worked with each other, or myself, before. On top of that, none
of us have worked with the producers before. But in the end, when the show
is complete, I feel a great sense of accomplishment and I also make new
When I freelance, it also makes me a versatile in production. In any
given week I might direct a basketball game for 53/56; then go to George
Washington University and run audio or camera for a live uplink; then over
to Keystone Communications and direct an interview that is going up on
satellite across the nation; and finally, go back to 53/56 and direct a
medical show in Spanish (and I don't understand Spanish!!) I am constantly
working with different equipment, people, and production positions. I am
always looking for freelance work to keep my skills current.
-If you want some info on the people I work for, click on the name.

Keystone Communications
Christopher Royce and Friends
Law Weekly
Maslow Media Group

**Globecast Communications (Keystone Communications)
Globecast is primarily a satellite uplink and downlink company, but
they also have a studio. The studio is very small, but so far all of the
events I have done have been live uplinks across the U.S. The staff and
freelancers are very friendly and work great together. I have directed
town meetings and some segments of "The Charlie Rose" show. I also
directed a small segment for ECHO Television, the largest television
organization in Mexico. The segment was difficult because the talent spoke
in Spanish. I have also ran camera, floor directed, technical directed,
and lighting for a variety of events.
**Christopher Royce and Friends
This show is produced in Reston, VA. where I live. The show is seen
nationally on The Kaleidoscope Network. Christopher Royce(the host),
interviews some of the top medical people in the Washington Area about
Holistic Science and Self-Improvement.
**Law Weekly
The producer of this show has the same attitude I do: make each show
look better than the last one. The show is seen live in Fairfax County
(about one million people) on Wednesdays at 7:30pm. The host discusses
various legal issues with judges, U.S. prosecutors, and various lawyers.
The show is taped and re-aired in Washington D.C. and Montgomery County,MD.
**Maslow Media Group
This company is like a temp agency, strictly for the media. I've
worked for The National Institute of Health (NIH), but most of the work I
have done has been for The George Washington University(GWU). I do camera
and audio for live and taped productions. Most of the productions I have
worked on have aired nationally. I enjoyed working for GWU because the
crew is very professional and friendly. There have been a couple of times
when a director specifically requested me because they liked my camera
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If you want to link me to your page please feel free
to do so. If you want to know more about me, have any questions
or comments, then just e-mail me. I look forward to hearing from
you, LM.
My e-mail address is:
or click this icon
Special thanks to Karen,Tracey and Joel for their support!!
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