The Silk Stalkings Ring Homepage

If you are interested in having your Silk Stalkings site added to this ring, feel free to enter the information to join!

To add your site, the following code NEEDS to be added to your page, or your site can not be added. Be sure to add your site ID wherever it asks.

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Site URL:
Site Title:

If you have to edit your edit your site information (URL, site title, etc., in case of a move), you may do so, below.

Site ID:


1) Your site must focus on an era of Silk Stalkings. This can range from the entire show to the actor/actress and characters on the shows. This includes Classic, New, or heaven forbid, the Tweedle Dumb & Tweedle Dumber era.

2) Your site must include more than just links to Silk Stalkings to be included.

3) The code for the web ring must be completed correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to place the code on my page?

Yes! Without the code, your site cannot be added to the ring. Please add it as soon as you join so that there's no delay in joining the ring!

Should I contact you as soon as I join the queue?

No. I have the ring configured so that it sends me an e-mail for every new site added, so a second notice isn't necessary.

Can I change the graphics that go along with the ring?

I really rather you wouldn't, but if you really want to for whatever reason, go ahead. OR, if you have something that might be better, go ahead and let me know and I will change it.

How long does it take to join the ring?

If all of the ring information is on your page correctly, it should be added that very same day.

Who should I contact with further questions?

If your question is not answered in this FAQ, you can e-mail me at

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