Erotic Thriller House Of Worship

By GeminiDream

So, you like a good erotic movie, do you? You also like movies that are thrillers, right!?! That's why the erotic thriller was invented and it is one the most popular genres in all of moviedom. That's what we're going to do on this page, pay homage to the erotic thriller!!! Tweed, Shattuck, Whirry, Scoggins, all of them, great and maybe not so great, they will all get their just due on this page.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Erotic Thriller Rating System~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

5. A surefire candidate for the House of Worship Pantheon of the Gods, you will want to see it AGAIN!
4. Stimulating story, good screenplay, memorable acting; you won't forget this one soon.
3. A commendable representation of the genre but flawed in some fundamental area of movie making.
2. If you sat through this entire movie, you are a fine American with too much time on your hands.
1. Watching this movie is much akin to being keel-hauled through a cesspool, Whew!


Over The Wire 1996(Landon Hall, Shauna O'Brien, David Christensen) - Christensen plays an ex-cop (fired because he was an idiot) who now repairs telephone lines. He accidently, while repairing a line, overhears a woman hire a hit man to kill her sister and gives him the address where he will find her. He goes to the address to warn the woman only to find, yup, two women, both sisters, living there. Of course, the rest of the movie is about which sister is the bad bitch and which is the innocent angel. Good story, good acting, and Landon Hall is very watchable. But, the real attraction here is Shauna O'Brien who appears to be making a run at the title of reigning Erotic Thriller B-Queen. Simply a brick shit house of a brunette, O'Brien can actually act and act well! At one point, I was going to give this movie a 4, but the screenplay writer stunk up the last 10 minutes by handing O'Brien the most convoluted and nonsensical ending I've seen since Showgirls. Watch for better stuff in the future from O'Brien and give this one a 3. (By the way, it's not a thriller, but it sure is stimulating! It's a must see staring Shauna O'Brien. Don't miss Elke's Erotic Nights. One great little 110 minute diversion.)

Dangerous Prey 1995(Shannon Whirry, Ciana Hunter - Miss Canada 1988) - Shannon is shtupping her way thru Europe and gets in bed with the wrong guy (good god almighty, one of the steamiest scenes she has ever done and that is saying something). She ends up being abducted by an evil (VERY evil) dude who is training his own harem of luscious assassins. The babes are sent out to kill thinking that if they succeed, they will be freed. Of course, you know they are doubled-crossed and killed in the end and the movie becomes a quest for babe survival. Very erotic, very thriller, this movie would have done a 4 but the ending ruined it with a ridiculous car chase and Rambo like shoot-em' up. I don't like my erotic thrillers with so much gratuitous violence and Whirry was born for the erotic thriller genre, not action/adventure! Anyway, give this one a strong 3 and remember that there is no such a thing as a bad Shannon Whirry movie.

Hourglass 1996(C. Thomas Howell, Sofia Shinas) - Who ever told C. Thomas Howell that he could act!?! Really, I mean, who does a guy have to suck off to get a job acting in the movies. I'll bet Howell knows!!! This is a weird little movie. How wierd, it has cameo appearances by Donny Most (he calls himself Don these days) and Carrot Top, YES, I SAID CARROT TOP!!! Bet you never thought you'd see Carrot Top in an erotic thriller did ya. That thought alone is enough to make you hurl. Don't get involved with the plot or screenplay or any of the other things that you look for in a good movie, 'cause they ain't here! However,... The sexual tension created by the acting of Sofia Shinas is sufficient to make one pitch a tent, a very big tent. Think of a French version of Victoria Principle who can act rings around Victoria and you have someone who can be sexy, steamy and smutty all at the same time (a hard thing to pull off). The best part of this movie is the ending where Shinas and her dyke friend kick the living shit out of Howell and frame him for a prison sentence. Poetic Justice or Tragic Irony, you decide! God, someone give Sofia Shinas a decent script, she's worth it. Otherwise, give this one a 1.

Crimes of Passion 1984(Kathleen Turner, Anthony Perkins) - Ken Russell has made some fine movies (Altered States, Tommy), but this is his masterpiece. Turner plays China Blue; fashion designer by day, 50 buck hooker by night. Perkins puts his performance as Norman Bates to shame by playing a psycho man of God who makes it his quest to save China Blue's soul. The unforgettable screenplay is filled with stuff like this; Perkins (upon meeting China Blue for the first time): "Don't you recognize me, my child!" Turner: "No, and I never forget a face. Especially after I sit on it!" Perkins: "Save your soul, whore!" Turner: "Save your money, shithead!" This movie may be 12 years old but it is a timeless vision of sexual hangups and perversion. It is Turner's tour de force of steamy eroticism and Perkins out-of-control psychosis (along with a musical score that mesmerizes) that drives this movie. If you are a Turner fan, and who isn't, this is a must see! Russell gets an unqualified 5 for creating a nearly flawless movie that, unarguably, belongs in the Pantheon of the Gods!

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