Welcome to my Geocities page.


A little about my Friends and I.

SBB Mini Trip: The tragic Kingdon

SBB '99: We invade MAUI

The DC Trip my brother and I took.

Links to Lyric pages.

Robotech Links

Some of the "Finer" things in life.

My former page has been moved to a different host.

This Site:

This site is dedicated to whatever I feel like putting on it. I'm sorry to those of you who were looking for something specific that doesn't relate to my demented thoughts, because you will probably be disappointed. However, you might want to nose around and see what is around here. There is music (Real Audio) embedded in some of the sub pages that cycles from time to time when I have nothing better to do, some not so interesting pictures, etc.

The main page here is currently in it's second complete revision, again I decided to go pretty basic, both because I don't know how to set up anything wild and because I couldn't think of anything wild I wanted. I also decided to reduce the graphics content of the main page after trying to load it when I was sitting with an AOL user.

New Features:

Likely, there won't be. Our previous page (F-You.com) has been moved to another server so it can continue the growth it was intended for. The BarSide has been moved to that page, as well. We currently have episodes 4-10 on paper and are trying to get our toons together to shoot them.


Here is a great article by our friend and contributing writer, Cadillac Frank, presenting a unique perspective on the war with Iraq. Freedom, In My Name

Congrats to Cyndy and Dominic on the birth of their baby boy, Dominic IV. He was born on July 14th, weighed 6lbs 7oz, and 19.5" long. We here at GenXtravel wish them all the best.

You know I couldn't avoid it: My rant on the U.S. Terrorist Attacks

My "Food For Thought" on Trendy Patriotism.

Other Sites of Interest:

The Dilbert Zone

The Battlefield Series


Planet Battlefield

Am I Hot Or Not? Ratings


My Friends and I | DC Trip | Lyrics | Robotech | Pictures
