"So What's all the fuss about?"

"Those Alien Bastards" have landed in Futuristic Los Angeles , and from the title of the first level of this game , "Hollywood Holocaust" you know there's trouble! The Humans have had it , helplessly they become the endangered species , the chance of any hope against these killer Aliens look bleek …, Duke Nukem doesn't love anything as GREAT as a challenge like this one!!
…."Who Wants Some?!"…. DUKE NUKEM.

Duke's Heritage.

Duke Nukem 3D from 3D Realms ( A division of Apogee) is the third in a successful trilogy of Duke Games. Duke Nukem began life in a small , side scrolling Shareware Platform Game inevitably entitled Duke Nukem , the game was highly addictive yet as equally successful , it saw Duke Battle it out with the evil Dr Proton in Sharpnal City.

The Registered version of Duke Nukem came along with two sequels , again both side-scrolling platform games however these episodes were set in more 'adventurous' locations. The total game bundle was entitled Duke Nukem 2.

Episode 2 Which was a continuation of Duke's first encounter in Sharpnel City was set in a Space-base on the moon and episode three saw Duke traveling through time and being …"trapped in the future".

Apogee knew that a craze bigger than the one of the infamous Commander Keen was beginning to occur.

Nukem Now….

Mid 1995 showed the first screenshots and Alpha versions of Duke Nukem 3D , a Duke game a lot more different than normal. This game (like it's title suggests) would be a game of the 'Doom' Genre using a 3D engine. However , the 3D design of Duke was a little more innovative.

Part of what separates Duke Nukem 3D from the pack (I.e. Doom & its many clones.) is the incredible Build engine, which has been beefed up to include slopes, greatly adding to the realistic look of the environments. No longer do levels look flat as in previous hit 3D games. Another Build engine innovation is that anything can move in any direction, with allows for stunning environment effects, such as collapsing building that plummet into the ground, and earthquakes that shake the entire level creating chasms hundreds of feet deep, opening up to new, unexplored areas!

Sounds Good…

It's not only the graphics which make Duke Nukem 3D stand above the rest. There are many audio 'treats' within the game which adds to its uniqueness , style and even aspects of gameplay.

Again we are treated to the sounds of Bobby Prince (The Man behind Doom's haunting music) , but no so much the haunting but now with more of a funky style to match Duke's character!

Other treats include the general sound effects which adds greatly to the enjoyment of the violence and gore-factors (let's face it , that is why we play these style of games) for instance , Duke could use his Shrink Ray to size-down one of those Aliens following with a direct step on the newly-formed 'insect' in order to hear that glorious …"squuissssh"!

However the most amusing feature of sound used in this game is that of Duke himself! 'Duke Speech' is GREAT!!! From the opening "Dam those Alien Bastards!" to the "Holy Shit!" "Thats gotta hurt" and more when Duke blasts those Aliens to oblivion ! The speech in the shareware version is a-plenty and much,much more to come when the registered version finally gets shipped. My favourite of the Duke Speech includes the "Shake It Baby" when Duke approaches Dancers in a night-club flashing Dollar -bills and in return getting a quick peek of , er .. breasts .. tits … titties or what every you wanna call them!! My next favourite is when Duke is by a toilet of some sort , walk up close to it , hit your joystick button and …"Ahhhh, much better".. to the sound of the flush!! But I think everyone's favourite is ...." Damn, I'm looking good!"....

Cool features and nice touches.

There are many nice touches added to Duke Nukem 3D which we don't get to see with most 3D games of the genre. These include and option to see Duke in multiple viewpoints. With either the standard Doom Type - first person prospective or a 'platform' type view where we see the whole of Duke's body.

There is also a-many range of actions , from the usual run/strafe , open , shoot to the not-so-usual Jump , Duck , Swim , Jetpack and Kick. 3D Realms promise treats a-many with the registered version of Duke 3D.

The CD-ROM only commercial version of the game will also be bundled with a fully interactive, 3D level editor which you design your own levels to play and pass around freely…"Duke WADS ahoy!!" Multi-player support! Duke Nukem 3D's DukeMatch(tm) feature allows for eight players to battle each other over an IPX network, or slug it out head-to-head via modem. Cooperative play is also supported.

SuperVGA graphics support. ( Requires a VESA compatible video card. )

and an option to play it ONLINE!! ( played on the Total Entertainment Network (TEN) again other players.)

3D Realms has created an all new mission for Duke Nukem 3D, called The Birth. You can get this new mission through the Plutonium PAK.

[Pig Cop Battle Tank] Q: What's new in this add on mission?
A: The Plutonium PAK contains the following...

Eleven all new levels by 3D Realms (with TONS of new art for the specific level themes). Look for cool places to visit and DukeMatch in like "Duke Burger", "Area-51" and "Babe World".

[Microwave Expander] New Weapon. You can add a new ammo type and hardware upgrade to the good old Shrink Ray and turn it into the "Microwave Gun". When activated, this wepaon will superheat a player or bad guy until they expand and pop like an over-cooked egg in a microwave. Don't be too close to them when they go, or you'll take some damage too.

Two new enemies: (A Pig Cop battle tank, and a very bad ass Queen Alien Protector).

Two new controversial cinematics at the start and end of the mission.

New music for each of the eleven levels and cinematics. [The Queen]

New Boss alien. "The Queen".

Lots of new Duke-talk for certain situations. We can't shut the guy up now.

More babes. Of course.

The Plutonium PAK also includes some extra items like the following: TWO Duke Nukem 3D Windows95 desktop themes complete with lots of new exclusive DukeTalk (specific to the themes). In addtion, you get the Duke Nukem 3D Screen Saver & Entertainment Pack.

Q: How will the Plutonium PAK work?
A: It will be a large patch on CD for version 1.3d (registered) of Duke Nukem 3D. It will patch everything and create the Duke Nukem: Atomic Editon for you. You will then have a version of the game with 4 missions, instead of 3. This new resulting version will be the Atomic Edition (aka v1.4) of the game.

NOT PICTURED: Bobby Prince.

DUKE 3D PORTS:|Nintendo 64|Sega Saturn|
  • Overview By Jonathan Wildman


    Help Hard Man Hero Duke Nukem Save Earth from the evil Dr Proton in this amazing EGA super game! Over one megabyte of animation and graphics! Incredible 360 degree dual-layered playfields, like never before seen on an IBM PC! Built in hint mode, joystick support, arcade sound effects, save/restore, etc. This game beats the Sega Genesis games--a real show stopper!

    Download DUKE NUKEM -The Original Classic [278 KB]


    APOGEE'S MATCHLESS HERO RETURNS IN VGA! This sequel takes Duke to an alien planet where his brain can be used to devise the ultimate attack agaist Earth! Two years to make, this sequel to the award-winning original boasts more incredible action than any game ever, with killer music, SB effects, & cinematics. Duke uses four powerful weapons, flies an attack shuttle, shoots in 4 directions, etc. Multiple skill levels. 80386+ recommended. Duke I was 1992 Shareware Game of the Year!

    Download DUKE NUKEM 2

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