The Sound of Heino

Finally, it's here: An audio archive with some of Heino's greatest hits! All songs are in RealAudio (you'll need at least the G2 player, version 6, to hear the goodies) to avoid violating Heino's copyrights. Consider this a taste of Heino's vast music production, so don't forget to buy the Man's music and thereby to support him. Try for instance Der Buchwurm, Total Recall, CyberCD or CDnow.

Check out the transcripts of the lyrics by Jürgen Menck. Just click the link beneath each RealAudio file. For an explanation of the lyrics of some of these songs, browse to Jürgen Menck's favourite Heino lyrics - another great service from The Heino Worship Page.

Blau Blüht Der Enzian

First of all, Heino's perhaps biggest hit. Ask a German about the Man and he will start humming this sweet tune. The chorus is Heino at his best - once you've heard this you will never forget it again, so consider yourself warned. "Holla-dia-dia-holladi-holladi-ho".
Blau Blüht Der Enzian - in RealAudio

Ja, Ja, Die Katja, Die Hat Ja

This is a fresh little tune with naughty lyrics and a beat that has a disco feel to it. Get out on the dance floor! This song will keep you glued out there the next three minutes.
Ja, Ja, Die Katja, Die Hat Ja - in RealAudio

Carnaval In Rio

Speaking of dancing, how about a samba? Dream yourself away to the beaches of Rio de Janeiro where the sun is burning, the drinks are cold and the women... Well, ask Heino, since he - judging from this easy listening classic - must have been there and, ehh, done that. Take it away, Heino!
Carnaval In Rio - in RealAudio

Die Schwarze Barbara

Ja, ja, die Schönste auf der Welt
Ist meine Barbara
Was mir an ihr gefällt,
Das ist ihr schwarzes Haar!
Sie hat so himmel-, himmel-, himmelblaue Augen
Und einen purpurroten Mund.
Ja, ja, sie ist so wunderbar,
Die schwarze Barbara!

"N suggests that the combination of black hair, blue eyes and red lips makes Barbara the most beautiful girl in the world. This is of course debatable, but we may concede that it is probably hard to capture the charms of a beautiful lady in a song".

This is - among other things - what Jürgen Menck writes about this wonderful song elsewhere on The Worship Page. I have nothing much to add. Remember to read Jürgen's scientific article while listening.
Die Schwarze Barbara - in RealAudio

Wir Lagen Vor Madagaskar

This is a personal favourite of mine and one of the first songs by Heino I ever heard. What struck me - besides the obvious charm of a good ol' sailor song - was the remarkable use of percussion and Heino's ability to "roll" on the letter R ("Wirrrr hatten die Pest an Borrrrrd"). Quite bombastic and expressive, and an almost scary experience for a small boy.
Wir Lagen Vor Madagaskar - in RealAudio

Schwarzbraun Ist Die Haselnuss

And now a true gem: The dance/rap remix of a song synonomous with Heino; "Schwarzbraun ist die Haselnuss". So you thought you'd never hear the Man rap? Well, think again, 'cause here he is with a flow that would make Snoop Dogg wag his tail. This is the song that cemented Heino's cult status in Germany.
Schwarzbraun Ist Die Haselnuss - in RealAudio

Karamba, Karacho, Ein Whisky

This is a genre, Heino masters to perfection; the muddled drinking song. Here in an edition with (once again) great use of percussion and a lovely, temperamental tango intermezzo.
Karamba, Karacho, Ein Whisky - in RealAudio

In Einer Bar In Mexico

Yet another muddled drinking song. Now, don't think that Heino is an alcoholic. His only drinking problem to my knowledge is, that he can't seem to sing enough about it. And this song is about meeting women in bars, too - a subject that should appeal to Heino's male audience (me, for instance!). The song could have been the soundtrack to a western, and Morricone: If you're reading this, respect! But you should get back to the lab and work on your soundtracks, 'cause in Heino you've found your worst nightmare. A dirty gunslinger who'd take you out in a duel any day and put you 6 feet deep!
In Einer Bar In Mexico - in RealAudio

Mi Amore

Last but not least, a love song. And what a pretty one! This is a duet featuring Heino's wife, Hannelore. To some this sweet tune might seem a bit corny, but hey, this is German schlager music at its most potent, and this is the showbiz couple number one, so let them express their affection for each other in public, OK?
Mi Amor - in RealAudio

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