Evita and her little survey

Please note: Although it is most unlikely that you will experience any problems responding to this form, certain non-standard browsers will not respond properly. If you experience any difficulties, (or if you are not using a forms-capable browser) you may email your response to this form to: rietdijk@hotmail.com.

Welcome to the UpdatedEvita survey! We (Angie and Jos) are very interested in other people's views. That's why we've decided to create a survey. By now most of you have probably seen the movie-version of Evita so we decided to make a new survey which would focus on this particular version!

Your Name :                  

Your Age :                   

Your sex :                   

Your Email adress :          

Your Hometown :              

Your Country :               

What do you think of our website(1 being crap and 10 being brilliant)?:              

Have you seen the movie starring Madonna, Antonio Banderas and Johnathan Pryce?

yes , of course !

Who is your favorite Evita?

Do you own an Evita album ?

What is your opinion about the movieversion of Evita (good,bad,etc)?:

Are you happy with the casting of Madonna as Eva Peron after seeing this move?:

Are you happy with the casting of Antonio Banderas as Che?:

Are you happy with the casting of Pryce as Juan Peron?:

Go back to the main page of The Evita Experience!

Thanks for answering our survey. We cannot reply to each entry, however if you would like to get a response than please indicate this in your answers. Thank you!