"You have to dance like no one's looking, and love like it's never going to hurt."


Yes the 2nd one is really is me...

"And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more"

- Erica Jong

Last Updated: 22 November 2002

Texas Life

**NEW** England & Italy Vacation 2002

Famous Faces

Vacations in California

2001 Cruise

Music Mania!

"If At First You Don't Succeed, Ask A Girl For Help"

Before moving on, please take a moment to sign my guestbook and tell me what you think. I'd really appreciate it, thanks!

Here I am again - another semester has almost been & gone (where does time FLY?!) - this one has definitely been CRAZY! (In a good way, though). I've only really added the picture you saw on the first page, but there are two new ones on the Texas page. Other than that, I'm going to try stay afloat of the school work I'm drowning in and enjoy my break next week...until next time, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving break and if I'm not back here before then - Happy Holidays, too! Oh and as far as my decision to stay goes, I still have no regrets. Thanks for stopping buy and please don't forget to sign the guestbook!

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With technical Assistance from "BadFrog"

Last Updated : 22 November 2002

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