by SalorJupt
Hello everyone. I would like to thank you for coming to visit the Sailor Jupiter homepage.
This is my geocities attempt at a web page and lets face it people, Amy is the hacker not I! Heehee. Will I kinda have a bad rep from my old school, and anyone who messes with me gets a taste of my attitude. But hey, we all can't be perfect can we! I have alot going for me, especially chasing boys. I don't chase them all the time! Teehee. I like to hang with the Sailor Scouts the rest of the time. If I am not cooking. :) I have heard though the grapevine that someone said that Serena and Mina are working off the same brain. I would like to clarify that and say that they are both really two very independant individuals. They just get that because they are blonde!
Now just for the record, and to get this straight we really all do get along. I don't really want to analyze my freinds but!!! I know they would do it to me.!! hehehehehehe Rei and Serena have their days but in real life they really do care for each other. You can kinda say (love hate) relationship. SSHHHHHHHH don't tell them I said that. They would gang up on me and kill me. Rei, she is a great person, but hey lets face it she is just plain overbearing, but she is really there when it counts both physically and more so spititually. She can really help us out she is good at what she does.! Amy, well there isn't too much to say about her except that she really is a great asset to the scouts and with the brain she has, she is gonna make it big some day. One small note on her though, don't let the brain or the school uniform fool you, underneath it all, there is a great champion and fighter. She really does what she sets her mind to. Let me see. . . then ther is Mina. . . she is probably the one with the nerves of steel and that Venus Love Chain Encircle I am glad I am not the Negaverse! She really does a great job at listening to me and can calm my temper down. Hehehehe I really have to curb that temper. hehehe.. She brought us Artemis into the storyline and along with Luna they have been invaluable to us. By the way. Mina is one gutsy lady.
Then there is SERENA sometimes she is such a blockhead. TeeHee. If she isn't late she is VERY tardy. About 85% of the time. hehehe. She may look like a crybaby, whiner, and a wimp, but I just have to say that with all of our support (even Rei's) she has really showed her colors when it counts. EVEN THOUGH HER TIMINGS SUCK AND SHE CHATS WHEN SHE SHOULD BE FIGHTING THE NEGAVERSE..... WE REALLY LOVE HER ALOT!. . . EVEN REI DOES!
Well its a start. Gotta love it
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