Staff of NADAC


The staff of NADAC would like to take the time out to say that NOT one individual takes the glory when it comes to this club, each person ultimately has the say with what is on these pages and what anime is going to be previewed.

NADAC is here here because of one thing YOU the ANIME FAN!

Now the people that bring this club together for you:

Gerard Deveaux (MercStorm)
Melissa Woodcock (SalorJupt)
Todd Spencley (R_Hunter)  
Steve Mittler (?????)  
Tamara (AquaMerc)  
Kate (SlrSun)  


First of all lets say a nice warm welcome to all the members of NADAC (even if there aren't that many yet) We hope to become a larger NET Club for your Anime pleasures.

If you have any questions please e-mail me (Melissa Woodcock) at
