Kevin Stapleton/Kevin and Cassie Mailing List

Welcome to the Kevin Stapleton/Kevin and Cassie Mailing List. This is designed for all Kevin/K&C fans to discuss them and the show via e-mail. You don't have to be a KSUFC member in order to join, just a fan of Kevin and/or Kevin and Cassie. There are just a couple rules to follow:

  • You must be a Kevin fan. Period. If you send an e-mail about hating Kevin, you will be removed from the list without warning.
  • Respect others opinions. If you aren't a K&C fan, you can still join this list, but please respect the opinion of those who like them and vice versa.
  • No spamming. This means, don't send chain letters or the like to this list.


    The form below should work as long as Coollist isn't having problems, but if you repeatedly get errors whenever you fill out the form (and you've let a reasonable amount of time (a day or so) pass, just e-mail me with the subject "Join Kevin List."

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