USS Belgica, NCC-72301
Organizational Chart.
![[Organizational Structure]](PICS/orgchart.gif)

The Command division, with the CO in charge,
handles all administrative reponsibilities of the Belgica. The Commanding
Officer is assisted by the Executive Officer
and the Second Officer.
Additional Officers that can be found in the Command division are
Personnel Officer.
He/she is in charge of keeping updated crew files on crew members pertaining
to Address, Phone Number, STARFLEET Academy courses passed, promotions,
Awards received, Membership renewal dates, etc...
Chief Finance Officer.
He/she keeps detailed records of chapter's financial transactions and
reports to the Senior Officers and the crew each month in the form of a
financial statement.
Judge Advocate General (JAG) Officer.
The JAG Officer advises the CO and XO on legal matters affecting the
Academy Liaison Officer.
He/she promotes crew participation in the STARFLEET Correspondence
Academy and provides regular updates to the crew on STARFLEET Academy.
This officer keeps records of crew participation in STARFLEET Academy and
is the shuttle's foremost expert on what STARFLEET Academy has to offer..
The Chief Medical Officer coordinates this
division, which coordinates and reports on our Community Service
efforts and STARFLEET Community Service programs in this area. The division
also reports to the crew on areas of Medical interest as it is related
to Star Trek. It is recommended that this officer has had some kind of
training in First Aid procedures. The division also tries to create an
atmosphere in which the entire crew feels at home by providing birthday
announcements, and other special announcements as related to crewmembers.
Other officers that are to be found in the Medical division :
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
This officer assists and replaces the chief MO during his or her abscence.
The Chief Science Officer and his/her
division are responsible for reporting to the crew in the area of Science
and Space Exploration. This division shall also report on matters of a
Science Fiction nature.
The Chief Engineer and his/her staff are
responsible for reporting to the crew in the areas of "Treknology" and
engineering in general.
The Chief Engineer oversees the departments of "Supply", "Holodeck"
and "Fabrication".
Supply Officer.
This officer reports to the crew on Science Fiction merchandise information
and submits articles to the Chief Engineer for inclusion in the Engineering
Division's monthly report.
The Security Chief is responsible for
the safety and security on and around Meetings and Events organized
by the Belgica. Because most Security Chiefs are eager to toy with
their tactical stations, our Security Chief (and his/her staff) will also
be responsible for reporting to the crew in areas of Computer Gaming, Gaming,
Comics, Cards, and Trivia.
The Security Chief also oversees the departments of 'Tactical', 'Weapons',
and 'Intelligence'.
This division, headed by the Chief Communications
Officer serves as a resource of information to the crew on matters of
general Star Trek information and Star Trek Fiction. This division is responsible
for timely collecting the divisional report for publication in the Belgica's
Newsletter, and for the timely publication of the Newsletter
and its distribution.

These pages were last updated on stardate 9904.25 by captain
Jeroen Vantroyen.