[STARFLEET logo] [Belgica logo]

The Belgian STARFLEET Chapter

We will assimilate you !!!

Commanding Officer : Jeroen Vantroyen
Executive Officer : Steve Haelterman

Welcome, you are visitor

Nederlandstalig (Dutch only) : Bezoek The Online Technical Manual van de USS Belgica, NCC-72301

USS Belgica Factoids.


If you're interested, fill in the on-line registration form.

USS Belgica Documents.

Policies and Procedures. STARFLEET Rank Insignia. Organizational Chart.
Divisional Pages. Belgica Image and Information. STARFLEET Forms.
Additional Information. The "Belgica" Glossary. STCCG Gallery.
WWW-Pages of Crew Members.

Links to other organisations

Of course : STARFLEET international http://www.sfi.org
The Sci-Fi Foundation http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/3426/


These pages were last updated on stardate 9911.16 by Captain Jeroen Vantyroyen.