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...And now our feature presentation

My Man Godfrey (1936)
Cast                                                                          Credits
William Powell . . . Godfrey Parke                             Studio . . . . . . . . . .Universal Studios
Carole Lombard . . Irene Bullock                               Director . . . . . . . . Gregory La Cava
Gail Patrick. . . . . . Cornelia Bullock                          Story by. . . . . . . . .Eric Hatch
Eugene Pallette. . . .Alexander Bullock                       Cinematography. . .Ted Tetzlaff
Alice Brady . . . . . .Angelica Bullock                          Costumes by. . . . . Travis Banton
Alan Mowbray . . . Tommy Gray                                Edited by . . . . . . . Ted J. Kent
                                                                                                                Russell F. Schoengarth
Mischa Auer. . . . . .Carlo                                           Sound by . . . . . . . Homer G. Tasker

                                                           Run Time: 94 minutes

The possible ratings are as follows:

   Abysmal. Complete trash-- bad acting, writing, cinematography, etc.

   Bomb. One or two redeeming qualities, but inferior overall.

    Average. Not outstanding in most respects, but worth checking out.

    I had a ball. Solid acting, writing, cinematography, etc. Superior in many respects.

Excellent. A true classic. Few, if any, flaws.


 My Man Godfrey is the story of the lost man. You see, the upper crust of New York's Society set have scavenger hunts, the proceeds of which benefit various charities (net proceeds that is). On this particular occasion, everybody is looking for a "lost man;" a bum in more common vernacular. Irene Bullock (Lombard) gets the idea of going to the dump along the East River to find a lost man. Her sister, Cornelia (Patrick) high tails it to the dump to find a lost man so she can beat Irene. They find Godfrey Smith (Powell) and he reluctantly agrees to accompany Irene so he can find out what this scavenger hunt is all about. Well, Irene wins the hunt and offers Godfrey a job as the family butler. From here a somewhat convoluted plot involving stolen jewelry and unrequited love unfolds. In the end, Godfrey helps save the Bullocks from themselves and marries Irene.

This film is somewhat schizophrenic in tone and material. The film strives to break out of simple screwball comedy and to deliver a deeper, more serious point. The underlying serious point is that poverty is not a result of moral shortcomings, but, rather, is a result of misfortune and the vagaries of the economic cycle. On this level, the film succeeds masterfully. Godfrey, as the film's conscience, delivers the message without becoming preachy or heavy-handed. His simple eloquence packs a powerful punch in its quiet dignity. This balance is the result of a well written screenplay and masterful delivery by one of cinema's finest talents.

The film also tries to work on another level. It tries to be a clever romantic comedy. Sadly the film misses the mark in this regard. I very much like Ms. Lombard and her considerable talents; however, her Irene, indeed the entire Bullock family, is loud, annoying and only marginally funny. When one contrasts the pathetic shell that is Irene to the substantial, thoughtful Godfrey, it defies logic that a true romance would develop, and the fact that it does seems forced, contrived, and artificial like most of the humor in this film. While there are a few minor chuckles, there is no real comedy per se in this film. On this account, the film is supremely disappointing.

The technical aspects of the film are, for the most part, good but not great. The supporting acting is slightly above average (however, I must make note that Auer's Carlo is very, very nicely done). The flm's direction is satisfactory; however, the large party scenes look stilted, artificial, and loud for the sake of being loud. The cinematography is sound as is the sound editing.

Overall, I was a bit disappointed in this film. My rating is: 

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