My Message to Visitors

A lot of people come to my site and I get a lot of good feedback, which is great. But I also get a lot of unecessary comments. So I am here to clear a few things up.

1)I made this website in 1996 in two days. I decided to make a Sandler site because at the time there were very few. Since then I have had very little time to update it, until recently. Before June, I probably didn't update it since January, and not very much I might add.

2)I am not obsessed. I did this page solely for comedic purposes. Now this is not to say that what I put on my site isn't true, as far as my stories and dreams. But big deal, I am drawn to someone who has inspired me in many ways. And I decided to learn more about the web, and do a site dedicated to him. This does not make me some kind of a freak, it is just another way for me to be creative. I have a very busy, productive life, and the last thing I am is an obsessed loser. To me, taking the time to email someone just to tell them they are a loser is pathetic in itself.

I would like to say thank you to all of the people who have complimented my site and been very supportive, because just to set the record straight, they definately overrule those that like to be rude, as far as numbers concern. And to those of you who like to waste your time and mine by sending me rude emails and posting rude guestbook entry's, if you don't like it,


No one asked for you to come here, remember that.

Now enjoy the page!


Take me home! NOW! Magic Wand!