My Message to Adam

Dear Adam,(Are you out there in cyberspace????)

I have been trying to get in touch with you since 1994. It is not easy. Sometimes I wonder if you really are online and whether or not you have ever been to my page. If you ever do come to my site, I know that you won't take anything the wrong way, because my intentions are innocent, all except for the fact that I want your body--(hah hah)!

I just wanted you to know that, you have inspired me to get into show business. Whether it be behind the screen or in front. The first thing that I noticed about you was that you could laugh at yourself. I thought it was the cutest thing seeing you on Remote Control. To me, you are the ultimate man, with a career to die for, great looks, and a great sense of humor. I also think that you are also one of the most talented musicians around.

I can always count on you to make me smile. Like this one time, during the winter of 1996. I was driving down the street, on my way to work, and it was snowing like crazy. They're all gonna laugh at you was in my cassette deck. I lost control of my car and ended up in a ditch on the side of the road, I started to cry, really bad, because there was no one to help. And then I hear, "My neighbor's dog has a 4 inch clit...." After that I started to laugh-hysterically. The next thing I know, this guy drives by and helps me out of the ditch. I was saved--It must be your good karma Adam!

Enough said, but let me just add that YOU ARE MY SOULMATE, and I AM YOURS!!!!!!! Please don't forget it, if you ever realize it!

Love Always, Heather Gwynn- Sandler (got a nice ring to it huh?)

Take me home! NOW magic wand!