HEY THERE! Come on in, kick off your shoes, and make yourself at home!!! I'm glad you're here...so, what did you want to know? Okay, I'll tell you a bit about me! Relax...I won't talk too long! *smile* Take a moment if you would like, and check out a few personal aspects of my life...my poetry and some personal photos. Most of these are pictures of my son, but there are a few of me...just so you can get an idea of who "Leah" really is!;)
As you know, I'm Leah, also known as Liz (in the real world)...and you are? Well, it's nice of you to stop in! Now, where were we? Oh yeah! I'm Leah... wife, mommy, and expert diaper changer. :) I am a daycare provider, and work out of my home so...the more kids the merrier, I guess!! I live in Urbana, Ohio which is about an hour east of Columbus. Now...I know I must be asked this question a million times a day, so even though there is a picture of me in the photo album, I'm gonna' go ahead and answer it now!! "What do you look like?" Well...I'm 5'8", blonde shoulder length hair, blue green eyes, and am completely sweet and innocent!*snicker* As I said, I'm married...and happily too! My husband, known as TJ or Avlot online is the sweetest guy I know. He does laundry, dishes and is almost as good at diaper changing as I am.*L* TJ works for the government *yuck* and is as smart as he is handsome.*wink* He's the love of my life, and I don't know what I would ever do without him.*smile*
Okay, I've waited long enough....I gotta' tell you about my boys!! The oldest is Bryton Dakota, and he just turned 5 in March! Yep, you guessed it...he's rotton! He's also precious...blond hair, huge blue eyes, a fabulous smile, and a wonderful personality. He does, however have a life threatening disease called Selective Hearing. It's only life threatening, because if he doesn't start listening soon....I am going to kill him!!!! *lol* He's still a good boy...when he wants to be!
Second in command is Donavan Cole! He's the middle child...*poor thing* and he loves mischief. *L* He's a sweet little guy, easily amused and quick to smile! He gets his looks from his daddy, cleft chin and all! He just turned 1 in March...but the terrible twos have set in early I think!*L* All in all, still a good boy!
I would like to take this space to welcome our newest edition to the family...Cameron Alexander!!! A lot of you online have been awaiting this event patiently, so finally I can say...HE'S HERE!!!! He was born March 17, 1999 and was 7lbs 13ozs, 19 inches long. The sad thing is that he also looks just like his daddy...*LOL* Just kidding, they're both handsome!
When I am online, I can be found at Hawaii Chat Universe...I live in a house at the bottom of the Volcano Room...built for me by Saturn!!! I even have a pool in the back yard that is all too often filled with strawberry Jell-O! *giggle* I am however accused of many horrible things by these wonderful people, so whatever they tell you is all a lie!!!*L* I am declaring now...in front of you all, that I am NOT a flirt!! I do not, have not, and will never flirt with anyone! *crosses fingers behind her back* Most of my dear friends in HCU are all to busy to stop in anymore. I think they actually have lives now...go figure! *L* I would still like to save them this spot to let them know that I still think about them...often and with love.
*JUNGLE BITCH~ Saturn~ wawa~ Mikl~ Psycho Girl~ BOSS~ KaT;)~ Dna~ daniel~ candis~ MusicLover~ Aloha~ Magneto~ Conshy~ Ke'ala~ Killian~ Falconis~ Aquillus~ angel~ TAZ~ GreyWolf~~ S.N.O.W.~ Laura~ ferret~ Lois~ lois~ Blaze~ Saphire~ TigerLily~ BJ~ KiwiG~ Marilyn~ Morbidous ~miji~ Guardian~ WanderCat~ M.I.K.E.~ hip chick~ Rick~ khylie~ Ben~ §ilk and last but certainly not least, my darling husband, AVLOT (I love you sweetheart!) If I have left anyone out, and I'm sure I have with my memory, just let me know!!
Well, I've taken up enough of your time, so I'll see you next time!!! Take care, and remember...I love ya'! *smile* By the way... please take a moment and sign my guestbook! Pwetty Pweeeese?*puppy eyes*
Hawaii Chat Universe (my second home)
Mr. Web counter
The Dolphin Circle
Unofficial Dean Koontz Page (this man is awesome)
Team Creations
My cyber-home is always under construction, so please watch your step, excuse my mess, and e-mail me soon!
You still here??? Sheeeshhhhh...I'm done already!! There's nothing else to see...go on now....*waves* :)