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Wendy Makkena Biography

Wendy Makkena was born October 4th, in New York and she grew up in a rough part of town. Her mother is an astrologer and she has siblings.

Wendy had actually begun her career as a ballet dancer and she had aspired to be a great dancer. An injury closed that dream but opened her up to a new one. Acting.

She began with plays and small roles in commercials in New York and then her roles got larger. We best know her as Sister Mary Robert in the 1993 blockbuster sleeper hit, Sister Act. I have had the privaledge to know Wendy and she is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. She loves her fans and appreciates the support each and every fan offers her.

Wendy currently lives in New York and Los Angelas depending on where she is working at the time. She was recently invited to Europe for a film festival which was an exciting invitation for her, and it was an even happier occasion for her when she married earlier this year. Congradulations Wendy! Acting now for about ten years, Wendy still has a bundle of talent to offer us and will have new roles coming up shortly.

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