People I Know

Some of the guys from last year [Dan (trombone), Todd (bassoon), Eugene (tuba), Evan T. (trombone), Evan K. (trumpet), and Jeremiah (trumpet)] after a Symphony concert.
My friend Quinn [center] with a couple of his friends up at BYU.
Todd, Jeremiah, and Dan at a KKPsi banquet.
Todd taking a picture of himself.
Steven's senior picture (I assume).
My buddy Lara
(also a clarinet player, one of the best at school!).
Prom '98:
Jeremiah, Todd, Dan, Jessica, Laura, and Amber.
On to "Dance Pictures of People I Know"


~ Dan's Web Page ~
Dan played trombone in our high school band before he graduated; he's now at ASU, and was kind enough to let me use the symphony picture above.

~ Steven's Eclectic Web Site ~
Steven was the coolest bari sax player before he, too graduated..sadly, everyone I know who has a web page has graduated!

~ Mark Hartman's web page ~
Mark was a cool trombone player.

~ Evan Thompson's Ultimate Home Page (a.k.a. The Midibase) ~
Evan, also a trombone player, is no longer at Baylor, so this page could disappear at any time. It's got a lot of midi's of Beatles and Monkees songs that he arranged himself, pretty cool.

Well, that's it for now. If you know me, and I don't have a link up to your page or a picture, let me know, and I'll get one up here.