What's New

September 11, 2003
Oh my goodness, yes I AM fixing up my web site. Hooray! Well, a little update about me: I graduated with a B.A. in Political Science last May from Arizona State University. I was laid off from the Scrapbook Barn, and now have a MUCH BETTER job at the new Kohl's department store. Come join us for our state-wide grand opening, October 10th!
Changed contact to current email address
Changed "contents" page to reflect my new interests... yes, I'll have to trouble-shoot it a bit later... it looks kindof sucky.
Added links to Kohl's Department Store, MSNBC.com, the "Real Life" with David Leibowitz show on KTAR, and, of course, a link to Homestarrunner.com. Go there for a laugh.
July 18, 2000
Fixed some random stuff (Thanks, Jess)

July 10, 2000
HEY! I got my new guestbook to work! PLEASE sign it, even if you've signed the old one. This one's MUCHO cooler.

May 31, 2000
Completed the pages for the NAU, etc. roll of film. Check 'em out!

May 27, 2000
Changed basic truth

May 26, 2000
Fixed some basic problems

April 22, 2000

February 21, 2000
Added pictures from the '99 band banquet.

February 3, 2000
These updates are becoming scarcer...
"I'm blue da ba de da ba dai..."
Decided to see what the page would look like with that outrageous blue I found. That's what it looks like!! I like it.

January 16, 2000
I'm still not used to writing 2000! Well, the new year is here (okay, I promise, I *am* with it), so the Christmas decorations have come down (pout, pout). But the much more important holiday of Easter is hot on its heels...
I also shortened Arizona State University to ASU, and the University of Arizona (I don't know *why that university managed to get a link on my page...) to the U of A (I will only capitalize "the" when I have to), and I got ris of the link to the University of Denver altogether. Some other stuff was messed up, so I fixed all that, too.

January 12, 2000
I am sad to say that as of today, January 12, 2000, this web site has been purchased by Olvidar/Annico Productions, Limited. They now own and control all rights to the web site. Due to these constraints, some links have been added, and other items changed or omitted. Thank you for your understanding.

December 14, 1999
Okay, now that that's out of my system...
Changed lyrics page format a little and added lyrics to "Truly Madly Deeply" and "I Knew I Loved You", both the wonderful creations of my friend Emily's favorite band, Savage Garden.

November 26, 1999
Added "festive" horizontal lines. I hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving and a great kickoff to the Christmas season!!!!
Deleted link to Dr. Laura.

November 23/24, 1999
Added "wishful thinking" to the first page.
Deleted Amy Grant from my web page. I do NOT support her decision (to divorce Gary Chapman and now be hooked up with Vince Gill); divorce in GENERAL is WRONG. I really can't judge the situation, and it's not my business, really, anyhow (even though I do BUY HER MUSIC). I find it hilarious, hoever, that her duet about love being as strong as a rock (you can see these lyrics at House of Love) was sung with Vince Gill. How ironic can you get??????????????

November 5, 1999
Deleted Baseball stats gadget.
Changed Basic Truth.
Deleted info about Amy Grant's new album (which is AWESOME, by the way).
Changed info by my picture.

October 12, 1999
Fixed link to KKĄ BO chapter. (Second degree is on Saturday! Woo-hoo!!!)
Yesterdaay...? I added lyrics to "If This World" by Jaci Velasquez. I think.

September 25, 1999
Added information about Amy Grant's new album, A Christmas to Remember.
Cleaned up my directory a bit.

September 17, 1999
Once again, I digress. It's been awhile. Oh well. That's what happens in college.
Added lyrics to "Please Come to Boston" by David Allen Coe.
Added "About Me" page (the conceited side won).
Added link to Beta Omicron chapter of KKPsi website.

August 9, 1999
Wow, it's been awhile, huh.
Added "autographs" page.
Something's wrong with the pictures pages. The frames aren't cooperating for some reason. I've tried to fix them, but they aren't workign for the time being. So consider the pictures page a "work-in-progress". Thanks for your patience (if there's anyone out there).

My birthday's tomorrow!!!!

July 29, 1999
Added Geoguide to every single page to "stop the pops". (That was a LOT of work. Trust me.)
Moved some stuff around
Deleted "download" warning. (If you wanna know what it is, I'll email you.)
Deleted link to my West Side Story site.
Added lyrics to many songs (mostly Jaci Velasquez).
Rearranged lyrics page.
Deleted "Most Beautiful Songs" page (I don't know, it just seemed corny).
Fixed the backgrounds on the pictures pages.
Whew! That was a lot of work.

July 27, 1999
Added (and fixed.. spent another hour on that) new links page. Added links to web pages by Jen, my dad, my uncle, and two of my cousins.

July 26, 1999
I completely redesigned my pictures pages. There are a lot more pictures there, and now that section has been "framed" as well. (And let me say, I'm pretty proud of myself! It took me at least an hour to figure out what was wrong with the frames... the link kept opening a new browser window. It's "all better" now.)

July 20, 1999
Added lyrics and link to "I Still Believe" by Mariah Carey. Had to include this one... it's my theme song.

July 18, 1999
Added lyrics and links to "Angel" and "I Will Remember You", Sarah McGlaughlin; "Silohouettes", Hermans Hermits; and "Mrs. Robinson", Simon and Garfunkle.
Added link to Major League Baseball.
Moved Columbine tribute to "Fun stuff" section.
Added link to "Missing You" clip from amygrant.com.

July 12, 1999
Added link to "I'll Follow the Sun".

July 11, 1999
Lyrics added to the Beautiful Songs page: The Dance (Garth brooks), Never, My Love (The Association), Flower in the Rain (Jaci Velasquez), and Right Here Waiting (Richard Marx).

July 10, 1999
Added countdown to my 18th birthday. 19 days, baby, yeah!!!!
Added new section to lyrics: "Most beautifl love songs", inspired by "Never, my love", by the Association. (Uh, unfortunately, it's 11:26 pm, and I'm not going to write out the lyrics to all those songs now, so be forewarned -- the links don't work. But you can check out what songs make my top 5 or so list).

June 28, 1999
Deleted Basketball Stats Gadget 'cause the Finals are over! (And the Jazz didn't even come close... :( )
Added Video Poker game, courtesy of Gadgets from Geocities. (PS Don't get addicted. And if you do, please sign my guestbook!!!)
Changed Basic Truth.

June 20, 1999
Added "nospam" to the front of my email address (I've been getting a lot of junk mail. Sorry for the extra hassle, but I hate spam.)

June 16, 1999
Added link to my new sub-site West Side Story.
Deleted ICQ contact panel.
Added warning against the dangers of downloading from strangers.
Added new Basic Truth.
Coerced one of my friends to visit my web page and sign the guestbook.

May 23, 1999
Added link to "Fairy Tales" poem.

May 18, 1999
*I changed some stuff earlier, but I don't remember the exact date.
Deleted Star Wars countdown.
Added NBA and National Legue Baseball stats boxes gagets.
Added lyrics to "Build Me Up, Buttercup" by the Foundations.

Added Star Wars: The Phantom Menace countdown.

May 1, 1999
Close enough, anyhow.
Changed Basic Truth
Added contact link (with two email addresses).
Oh, and sometime in the recent past, I added my tribute to Columbine as the new "title page", per se. Don't remember the exact date, however.

April 18, 1999
Added "Dance pictures of..." page
Re-organized picture pages (they still need work, though).
Completely changed the Lyrics page.
Fixed links here and there.

April 13, 1999
Added "Other Fun Stuff" section.
Deleted the explanations of links in left window.
Fixed "target" of window for link to Evan's page in midi section.

April 12, 1999
Added "Basic Truth of the Week" section.
Fixed some... extended... links.
Changed my name back to my real name. (For those of you wondering, I am *not* having an identity crisis...)

April 1, 1999
Changed complete layout. This is version 7.1
Added links, did many little things

March 21, 1999
Fixed link to Steve's web page
Fixed link to 99 Ways to Annoy a Pizza Order Taker
Changed to the other ICQ panel
Added ICQ Panel and Status Bar

March 19, 1999
Added links to Amy Grant and Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Fixd minror plobrams in html code

March 18, 1999
Created "What's New" Page
I finally got a scanner, so (unless noted otherwise) the pictures were scanned by me!
Added picture pages 2 and 3