from entertainment weekly's  music special issue
everybody burning up borderline lucky star like a virgin
-everybody- 1982
-burning up- 1983
-borderline- 1984
-lucky star- 1984
-like a virgin- 1984
crazy for you material girl into the groove dress you up live to tell
-crazy for you- '85
-material girl- '85
-into the groove- '85
-dress you up- '85
-live to tell- '86
papa don't preach true blue open your heart la isla bonita
-papa don't preach-  '86
-true blue- '86
-open your heart- '86
-la isla bonita- '87
-who's that girl- '87
like a prayer express yourself cherish oh father
-like a prayer- '89
-express yourself- '89
-cherish- '89
-oh father- '89
-vogue- '90
justify my love playground erotica deeper and deeper bad girl
-justify my love- 90
-playground- '92
-erotica- '92
-deeper and deeper- '92
-bad girl- '93
fever rain i'll remember secret take a bow
-fever- '93
-rain- '93
-i'll remember- '94
-secret- '94
-take a bow- '94
bedtime story human nature
you'll see love don't live...
-bedtime story- '95
-human nature- '95
-i want you- '95
-you'll see- '95
-love don't live...- '96
you must love me frozen ray of light drowned world power of goodbye
-you must love me- '96
-frozen- '98
-ray of light- '98
-drowned world/sfl- '98
-power of goodbye- '98
nothing really matters yeah baby american pie
-nrm- '99
-beautiful stranger- '99
-american pie- '00
background image is from the cover of the Rain maxi-single
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