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May 21, 1999   The index page has been modified, the background uses images from Madonna's latest video, "Beautiful Stranger". 

I had some interviews and such but lost them when my computer crashed so, I'm not sure if I will type them up again.  Which you say?  One was the Time magazine article from 85...Oh well.

The site isn't updated as often as it should but I don't even think it's being visited.  I have sent the link to several search engines and they *still* haven't added.

As you may already know, Madonna's latest single is from the soundtrack to the latest Austin Powers movie, to be release June 1, 1999.  The soundtrack is being released by Maverick Records. 

The video made it's World Premiere on Total Request Live, Wednesday May 19th 1999.  I'd place a link so you can go vote for it but  [ if anyone of you dear visitors who watch the show ] you know that the only shot you have of making the countdown, is if you attract all the rabid young female teens. Oh what the hell, if you think it'll make a difference go to the site and click on Total Request Live, fill out the form and send it in.  I have it on tape so whenever I want to watch it. I can.


June 15th 1999 

Well my my, it's been almost a month since I have updated.  Oh well, there are a lot of Madonna pages out there that update regularly so they have the good stuff on what's happening now.  I won't be posting news and such since updating through G-------- is a pain in the ass.  What's new off the top of my head [since I am here]?  Hmm, reportedly there will be no US release for "Beautiful Stranger" (that sucks) but you can get the import at anyone of the internet sites or if you can, step away from your computer and go to your local Megastore.  It debuted at #2 on the UK charts and the Calderone mixes are pretty good.  I've seen MP3s on the web so search and you too shall find.  :)

Ideal Husband Premiere Madonna was at the premiere of Rupert Everett's latest film, An Ideal Husband, and she looked incredible.  Young and fresh!  She is also (as of 6-15-99) still filming The Next Best Thing.  Hopefully, you will have an Immaculate Collection 2 for Christmas, that's  in December for you non religious folk.

Still NO TOUR.

Immaculate Collection was released on DVD.

There was a rumor that Madonna and Robbie Williams (some British guy) were an item, they shot it down and I hope it's false.  But considering the fact that Madonna had sex with that hideous freak, D(ennis)R(odman), you never know.

Entertainment Weekly (#490 6-18-99) reports that Madonna's single "BS" resembles some song from the 60's called, "She Comes In Colors" by a group called Love.  Madonna's publicist, Liz Rosenberg is quoted saying that Madonna hasn't heard of the song or the group and that the song "BS" was inspired by the movie, "TSWSM" and some personal experiences.


October 20, 1999 As you can see, I haven't updated this page in ages.  Wanna know why?  I am out of the country and actually don't have that much time on my hands anyway.  Let this be some sort of storage archive for Madonna.  I doubt it will be updated too often.  Enjoy what's here, take what you want.
Feb 2000 Lots of things have happened since the last update but here's the most you probably already know. 

Madonna was nominated for a Golden Globe (2000) for song from a motion picture for "Beautiful Stranger" from Austin Powers (she lost to Phil Collins -surprise surprise-)

Madonna is won and lost some Grammys (2000)

Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for Beautiful Stranger track from Austin Powers, she's lost to: I Will Remember You -Sarah McLachlan (if they thought that song was so great why didn't they nominate it when it came out years ago??)

Best Song Written for a Motion Picture for Beautiful Stranger track from Austin Powers - The Spy Who Shagged Me.  She's WON!

The video collection was released, Madonna Video Collection 93-99.  It's available in DVD and VHS.  Some videos were left off for legal reason (sountrack ones) and some were left off for some reason (Erotica, Deeper and Deeper).  There have been some complaints from the fans about this but overall it's been pretty good.

The Next Best Thing ( ) comes out in March 2000 in the US.  The soundtrack listing is as follows:

METISSE - Boom Boom Ba 
MANU CHAO - Bongo Bong
CHRISTINA AGUILERA - Don't Make Me Love You 
MADONNA - American Pie
GROOVE ARMADA - If Everybody Looked The Same 
MOBY - Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad 
OLIVE - I’m Not In Love
BETH ORTON - Stars All Seem To Weep
MADONNA - Time Stood Still
SOLAR TWINS - Swayambhu
GABRIEL YARED - Forever and Always

Some of Madonna's incredible outfits are on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.  There is the white wedding dress she wore while performing Like A Virgin at the 1984 MTV Video Music Awards.  The My Fair Lady inspired D&G outfit she wore on the Girlie Show tour to perform Justify My Love, the Gaultier geisha getup she wore to perform Nothing Really Matters at the 1999 Grammy Awards, The gold bustier she wore in the Like a Virgin sequence of the Blonde Ambition tour, the cone bra and pinstriped suit from the tour is also there.  It's on display until March 19th 2000 so if you can go see it.  They also have many other rock fashion on display and it is truly amazing.

Endnote-  My 1998-99-00 Galleries will not be going up.  I lost all my pics from that era.  :(

2-28-200 Wow.  Two updates in the same month.  ;p

-I had some time so I made a new page I was thinking over.  It's called Inspired by...   I always like watching movies and flipping thru photo books and when I saw these pictures and films, I thought, "That looks familiar..." or "Ohhh, so that's where Madonna got the idea from."  I haven't heard or read Madonna mention these as inspiration for her work but in some cases it's pretty obvious that they are inspired by/from these pics and/or films.  It's graphics intense (the whole page is about 550 kb) so let it load and enjoy.  I have other pictures that I have to compare but I can't find the originals.  I haven't seen any other site do this kind of thing so on my back.  :)

-Madonna WON a Grammy for "Beautiful Stranger" (see above) and lost the other vocal award.  You may have heard Madonna say something negative about the award show which I found odd since she was all way there last year.

-Madonna was passed over for an Oscar.  They did nominate a song from South Park (cartoon show), Blame Canada.  Go figure.  I think the Academy was trying to look too hip and thought South Park is a little more hip than Madonna.  Or maybe they didn't want to give Madonna a nomination since she has spoken ill of the Oscars and the whole political bull that it's really about.  Punishment? You decide.

-Madonna will be on MTV's Total Request Live on March 1st. (I think it's the first) I recieved an e-mail about it from Maverick (I think it was them), anyway, I saw that the age requirements to be a part of the show were from 12-25.  I e-mailed them to ask why it stops at 25 but I had no response yet.  Maybe it's an MTV thing. I just hope it has nothing to do with only wanting "young and hip" people in the crowd that day!

-The single for American Pie will NOT be released in the USA.  I understand why but some people may be "sooo mad" at her.  It's a business, man.  Maybe she's not interested in making it to number one.  I mean, does it really matter?  Look what does make it to number one.  For me the Billboard charts have become a huge joke and I don't take them seriously anymore.

-I just wanted to say that I have recieved many awards for my site (over the years) but I have decided not to post them or accept them.  I don't know why but I just haven't.  Why'd I bring it up? I don't know.  It's late and I am sleepy.

-I was thinking of  maybe reworking this site to offer access to Madonna's latino fans but I don't know if that's going to happen.