Misc. Info

Here you will find miscellaneous information for Madonna.
Interviews, album info, single info, awards and nominations etc. etc.
Just click on a link.

Album and Single misc. info
Ever wonder what song was Number 1 on Madonna's Birthday?  Ones
What are Madonna's top songs by year? TopSongs
Misc. album and single info Misc info
Madonna has also contributed to other albums with singles.  Which ones you ask? Other Tracks
An early interview with MTV MTV interview
First interview after birth of Lourdes (before Evita is released) USA Today
A piece Madonna wrote for Vogue magazine in 1996 Vogue Piece
MTV's 20 questions with Madonna from MTV's Opening Act (9-10-98) 20 Questions
An Article in Rolling Stone from 1987 RS 87
Interview from Rolling Stone 30th Anniversary-Women In Rock Woman
Spin interview from '96 Spin '96
Spin interview from 98 Spin '98
1999 Grammy Awards Grammy
Film Trivia Trivia