Chantal Inc!
Education and Other Fun Stuff



Berit's Best Sites for Children This site includes some of the coolest places. Each link has been selected and given a rating out of 5.
Books On-Line This site lists on-line books by their title.
Canada's Schoolnet Come visit Schoolnet and explore a wealth of resources, consult with on-line staff, or develop a collaborative project.
Lester B Pearson School Board School board website
Mme Chantal's Kindergarten Chatterbox My class website
Teach Net Visit Teach Net for various information. Updated weekly.
Yahooligans Visit Yahoo's web page for kids.


La Page Canadiana La page de toutes les ressources canadiennes
General Hospital Site on the ABC soap.
Yahoo - Actor and Actress Browse through this site to find information on your favorite actor or actress.


Website Copyright© 1996-2006 by Chantal Latour.

Updated on May 10, 2006